Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Defending myself
I am a full time mother running on overtime. So what does that mean exactly? Well it is isn't rocket science nor am I laying on the couch all day tossing bon bons into my mouth while I flick through the channels and TiVo my soaps. Being a full time mother is an extraordinary responsibility as with any job dealing with and interacting with a child. They are little sponges absorbing the ways of the world and if that view is slightly scewed, that child will grow up slightly scewed or worse! They are very impressionable and tremendously insightful. They do not like to sit around, they are busy exploring, putting things in their mouths, grabbing things off of low shelves, and quite often, enjoy sampling the culinary delights of Purina.
In the following timeline I will try to accurately represent what constitutes a typical day for this stay at home mother...
1:45 a.m. Puppy is running around the bedroom, she needs to go out immediately.
2:00 a.m. Back inside, settled into bed, puppy is barking and panting. Who's f-ing idea was it to get a puppy? Christ. Of course it was mine, complete genious.
2:25 a.m. Back inside again, still no elimination, put puppy in kennel where she should have been in the first place.
2:25-3:45 a.m. Yelping, whining, barking, scratching, yelping again, chewing... Ahh, she settling down.
3:55 a.m. Lily crying at her door. She climbs out of crib now and waits for us at the door. Better get her quick before she locks herself in again...
4:05 a.m. Puppy and daughter are now both in bed with us. Puppy is snoring. Definitely boxer.
5:30 a.m. Husband's alarm goes off repeatedly. He hears nothing. For the entire night, he has heard nothing.
5:31-5:55 a.m. Nudging husband to get out of bed so he will not be late for work but doing so carefully trying not to wake either puppy or daughter.
6:10 a.m. The door slams behind hubby in his rush to get to work and puppy wakes up. She has to go outside.
6:20 a.m. Eureka! Elimination! Come inside, fill up food and water bowls, try to climb back into bed for 10 more minutes.
6:30 a.m. Lily wakes me up by kissing me. Was I sleeping? So cute! "Mommy? Mommy? Elmo?"
6:40-7:30 ish a.m. Diaper change, fill up Lily's juice/water combo, turn on cartoons, fix breakfast. This week, Kix. "Yummy cereal mommy!" Do dishes from the night or entire day before.
7:15 a.m. Gevalia begins to brew. This week, French Vanilla. Devine.
It's hazy between 7:15-8:30 a.m. Drink my coffee, pick up cereal off the ground, maybe let puppy out another time or clean up pee in the bedroom, start a load of laundry, sometimes take my shower...
8:30 a.m. Simply Quilts, HGTV! More inspiration on another quilt project that I will never have time to accomplish.
9:00-9:30 a.m. Bath for Lily, shower for me or shower for both Lily and I.
9:30-9:40 a.m. Chase Lily around trying to get a diaper on her before she pees on the rug, clean up daughter's pee, get her dressed.
9:45-10:00 a.m. Find something for me to wear. In the process, clean up bedroom, make bed, throw laundry in the dryer, clean up hubby's clothes from the day and night before. Check email? Lily is following me around and we count everything. 1..2..3..4..5.. uno...dos...tres.. 10:30 a.m. Ahh, we are ready to start the day!
The next hour to hour and a half changes daily. It can consist of rushing to the store, dog park, play date, post office, bank run etc.
11:30-12:00 p.m. Lunch time. Today, hotdogs, broccoli and whole wheat spirals. Fill up water and food bowls for Nika.
12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Put Lily down for a nap, try to get her to stay there. Start the dishes, maybe brew another 4 cups of coffee, start another load of laundry, start folding previous load, hear Lily crying at her door, fill her juice, change her diaper, put her in her crib again b/c she is obviously still tired, I might get in about 30 minutes of cutting fabric and stitching... Come into bedroom and find folded clothes unfolded and dishelved on the floor. Look on the bed, puppy is spread out and snoring. Scoop up the clothes and throw them in the nearest laundry basket. Still trying to clean up the kitchen from lunch. I'm starting to question myself as my husband does... Why do I use so many gd dishes!? Steam basket, strainer, 3 pots, broccoli, hotdogs, pasta, 2 bowls, 6 folks (2 for lunch, 4 for prep?) numerous spoons, knives, cutting board, glasses, sippy cups... It's never ending. Puppy needs to go outside.
By 3:30 p.m. Lily is through with napping and it's snack time. This consists of crackers, cheese, apples, raisons, bananas... Might turn on cartoons to finish a square on my quilt, or it's color time. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple! Gymnastic time! Steam roller, summer-saults, chase Nika.
4:00-4:30 p.m. Run around the house trying to straighten up before hubby gets home so it doesn't look too bad and it looks like I did something all day.
4:30 p.m. Hubby returns from work! Yay! I get a break. Puppy needs a quick walk, Lily needs her diaper changed and sippy cup filled, hubby has disappeared! Phenomenal.
5:00 p.m. "What's for dinner?" Hubby, daughter and puppy corner me in the kitchen.
6:00 p.m. Dinner is served. It takes me 30-35 minutes to decide, 25-30 minutes to prepare. Hubby clears table, scoops up dishes and drops them in the sink while I grab Lily and depending upon her condition, drop her in the tub or just change her diaper.
6:30-8:00 p.m. Changes daily, rush off to the store, rush up to Alexandria to see neice and nephew, maybe go to the library, family walk, or rush off to a softball game if it's Monday or Wednesday night.
8:00-8:30 p.m. Lily's bedtime depending on when we get home, how cooperative is her disposition?
9:00 p.m. Quilts, emails, dinner dishes? Na, save them for tomorrow. I've got all day don't I?
9:45-10:00 p.m. Return from softball Monday and Wednesday nights.
10:00 p.m. Project Runway Wednesday nights.
10:30-11:00 p.m. BED! Ah, so nice and comfortable pillow top, Sealy Posturepedic Queen, so soft and wonderful... Puppy jumps up, try to get her to lay down for the next 15 minutes. Ahh, she's settled... Starts chewing and knawing on her rawhide bone. 10 minutes later, she's in her kennel. Barking, yelping, whining... 10 minutes later silence. Glorious silence. Hubby starts breathing heavy. He's asleep. Wow, how can he fall asleep so fast? Why can't I fall asleep? I'm tired, why can't I fall asleep? Say some Hail Mary's, Our Father's. That should make me tired. That will help me fall asleep, right? Try to remember the Rosary. Where are my Rosary beads? Are they under my pillow? No, they are still packed. We moved almost a month ago. Which box? Aren't all the boxes unpacked? Why can't I sleep?
12:30 a.m. Puppy is awake again, clawing at the door of her kennel, she needs to go out. Maybe hubby will wake up and let her out. He did the other night. He doesn't flinch tonight. Get out of bed so puppy doesn't wake up daughter.
12:45-1:00 a.m. Walking the puppy, this week it has been either cold or raining, get back inside, let puppy jump in bed. Immediately fall asleep.
1:45 a.m. Wake up to puppy running around and jumping up on the bed biting my hand to wake me up. Was I dreaming that I let her out earlier? And it continues like this day after day... Fun eh?
What do you do all day?!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Puppy Training 4:15 a.m. 9/12/06

Note the time that I began this post.
So hubby and I were reading some puppy training material about the importance of crate training, especially at night and random times during the day so that the puppy doesn't associate you being gone and her going into her crate. It also suggests that for the first few weeks, before the puppy completely earns your trust to wander around your home, to leave the puppy on a leash at all times in the house. The puppy learns to lay quietly next you and you can watch the puppy carefully to quickly learn the dogs cues for going to the bathroom and it keeps the puppy out of trouble. The puppy can't wander into another room and tear into your closet while you are zoning in front of the television.
So at 3:43 a.m., I feel a tug on the leash and hear an excited yawning pup sretching out and abruptedly jumping to her feet, on our bed, yes, golden crate training rule number 1 broken, but yes, I did have her on a leash for above said moments. I was prepared. This was her second night sharing with us our Queen sized, Searly Posterpedic pillow top delux, wicked comfortable bed, and of course, Lily joined the party that night as well. Full house. I told hubby that we were going to need a King. But what I was unprepared for is the following...
The moment we leave the apartment, my eyes glued shut from amazingly bright hallway lights, Nika begins to squat. "NO, NO, NO!!!" My sense of urgency to drag her out the door still squating was no match for her sense of urgency not to defecate on the hallway rug under the bright lights. Finally we reach the outside grass and it's more squating for another 10 minutes. Nika's struggling, I feel horrible, the ordeal is over, let's go back into the apartment.
I open up the door to the building, HORROR, runny puppy sh@& has been dripped from our door to the outside door. I'm panicking now because I have to get this cleaned up before 1. someone sees it; 2. before someone who works here sees it; 3. before it sets into the new rug that they installed. Did I mention that Nika is to remain undetected until our move to Dale City in the next 2 weeks. Oh, yes.
I ran into the kitchen looking for the Clorox Cleanup wipes. Damn there are only two. They will have to suffice. Run out to the hallway and start picking up as fast as I can. Not enough. Run back inside. Grab an old towel, begin to slice and rip into rags. Fill up Clorex Cleanup wipe container with hot water and found carpet cleaner under the sink, sent from God. Run back out to hallway. Scrub like the dickens.
Now I look at my work. I have 9 to 10 huge wet spots in the hallway. I need to dry some of this up or something. Run back inside and grab another old towel. By the way, before the puppy came into our lives, I was about to throw the towels away or give them up to the Salvation Army. They are perfectly fine towels, we just have about 30 from years of Christmas presents.
At this moment, I am grateful for having these towels. I run back out. Trying desperately to dry up the spots as good as I could so that they would dry before an employee walks through the hallway later in the morning.
Hopefully mission accomplished. I have an eye appointment tomorrow morning and will be leaving here at 6:45 a.m. Umm, 2 hours from now. Keep your fingers crossed. What a nightmare.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Our daughter, the genious
Her favorite numbers are of course, the first 3, which she repeats over and over again before she "jumps." Her jump right now is still a skip but on this afternoon's walk in Cameron Run, she lifted both feet and landed like a long jumper. Definitely going to have her try out for track and field events later in life.
New Arrival!
Saturday was a busy day. We took a walk through Old Town and to our delightful surprise, King Street was blocked off and turned into an open art gallery/show. I was so inspired. I just want to get a canvass and splash some color on it! We have convass and frames, I just have to put one together. When I have a spare moment. Quilting has been put on hold at the moment and probably until after Christmas. I'll start working on Christmas gifts in January for Christmas 2008 at the rate I am going.
We watched my neice and nephew this weekend Sunday we woke up and went to Huntley Meadows for a 2 hour excursion.
Nika ran in the lead, followed closely by Lily. She may be a marathon runner. She didn't stop. Here was Nika after the first hour. She was exhausted. We'll whip her into shape in no time!
My little sister

At the Red Sox/Yankees 2006 Boston Massacre. What a nuthouse the bleachers were that hot Saturday afternoon. A lot can be said about that day, but I will remember the details foundly to myself, and just say one thing, despite everything, Alyssa and I are still best of friends and of course, sisters. Hey, we're family.
See, we're still friends... Love her!

Friday, September 01, 2006
Stay at Home

Well it's official. I'm a stay at home mother. And as you can tell by the scarcity of posts, life is more hectic than ever and will soon be even more busier with the new addition to our family. This little girl was in a high kill shelter in WV, currently in a foster home in Gaithersburg, MD and of course I had to help! We were looking at pugs, bugs, puggles... But there are so many dogs in need confined to shelters. I've always known this little fact but to see their faces on the computer... We tried adopting another girl named Lily, 2 Lily's in one family, but unfortunately her traumatic beginnings of life caused her to be unsure of little ones. So then I across this cutie. We can't wait. Well hubby can, but I can't and since I run the show... Kidding. We are meeting her on Tuesday and we have a home visit scheduled for Thursday. I hope we pass! I have the baby name book out and searching for a good fit.
In addition to this, we have been looking for apartments in the Woodbridge area, closer to hubby's work, since I resigned from my position to stay at home with darling little Lily. We drove around on Tuesday visiting about 6 or 7 apartment complexes. We are unable to buy due to orders that will be given any moment but Lily is getting older, she needs a bed and her own space. So off we move to a 2 bedroom! Moving is so much fun! I can't wait to pack up everything, unpack it all and then get orders to pack it up again with in 3 months. Sarcasm.
Our Little princess is quickly turning into a Queen. We thought that the terrible two's came and went but now they are back at 19 months. The other day as I was getting dinner ready, I took two tupperware tops away from Lily as she was running around the house with them. She walked away from me, obviously annoyed, then came back with my shoe and proceeded to throw it at shins. An adorable showing of frustration and I had to turn away to conceal a smile and a small laugh. But I had to show my parental authority and marched her into the livingroom for a short timeout to cool off. We are back to watching the Nanny so I learned exactly what to do. The timeout lasted about 30 seconds.
In other news, Lily is becoming quite the little mimic. Her articulation is improving and she is talking up a storm. She can repeat phrases and words like the following, "hey sweetie pie," "you goofball," "you're a crazy girl," "nuts," and my all time favorite, "Jesus Christ." That was a slip on my part, I have slipped twice in front of her and the second time was amazingly quite clear. Lesson learned.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Massachusetts bound
More on Lily's first words
If she sees something shiny it's "Ew, preddy!"
Last week we were at BJ's and I was talking to Bob when I suddenly realize that Lily is repeating the same fews words over and over again. "Happy Birday to ew" She was singing Happy Birthday. I called my mother immediately and she confirmed it. We have a witness.
She will say, "I twicked you!" at certain moments. It's so cute.
She knows, dog, cat and she learned my neice's name, Katie today. We had to pick up "Kadie?" (she says it as a question) at Sports camp today. I'm on Joey duty this week and next. And Joey and Katie duty this weekend. Busy, busy...
She also thinks it's funny when she refers to her daddy as "Bob." When she is looking for attention on long car rides, she will scream, "Bob" from the back and start cracking up. It's hilarious.
Her tantrums are cute too. When I say no to her, she screams, "No, no, no!" and starts throwing things. Not good, but funny. She gets stressed out really easily too. Like if she can't move soemthing, she'll start to spaz. I swear it was because I was under tremendous stress when I was pregnant with her. Seriously, the baby absorbs the chemicals that are released when you react to stimuli. So all my stress hormones, she absorbed them all and now she gets stressed out. I had to put her in a time out tonight to cool off. All of 5 seconds of it and then she comes running to me and puts her arms around me and gives me a kiss. She loves to give hugs.
I have more but it's nigh nigh time. All Star game is over. Way to go AL, and Rescue Me was intense as usual, and I'm tired from the day and have to do it all over tomorrow. After we drop of Katie at camp, Joey, Lily and I are going to the 10 am movie in Kingstowne! I can't remember the last time that I went to the movies! Even if it is clay animation!

Nigh nigh!
Here's the cake!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
A huge hello to my fans!
Anywho, I've been wicked busy. I have resigned from my job, my last day is next Thursday, June 29th. I will be starting a nanny position August 3rd, for 2 beautiful children, 3 and 6 months and will be able to hang out with Lily all day long and get paid for it. I know it is going to be a lot of work but Lily is growing so fast and I want to be there for every moment. She is repeating everything you say, understanding even more and I am going to start baby sign language with her. I know it's late for Lily but the other 2 babies will pick it up!
In addition to my resignation, I am making a wedding rehearsal dinner cake for my friend Marcy who is getting married on July 2nd. So exciting! My big debut! The cake tasting turned out fabulous, trying to get more moisture into my cakes though. They seem to dry out slightly at the table but are sinfully divine on the cooling rack. The couple loved the both of them so I will have a chocolate cake and vanilla merigue buttercream for the bottom layer and the 2 smaller top layers will be butter cake with raspberry buttercream and raspberry preserves layers. MMM!!!
As soon as I get my head above water, I will devout much deserved time to this blog! Promise!!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
BRILLIANT Answers given by 2nd grade school childrento the following questions!!
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used biggerparts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly usestring, I think.
Why did God give you Your mother & not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me..
What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goofball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms & dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home & dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your Mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid ofthat.
2. I'd make my Mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did itand not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back ofher head.
Flashback Family Emails Part 1
I used to go to work with my Dad...he would bring me into hisworkshop...he was the foreman of the tool room...the head toolmaker...Iwould sit at his bench and listen to the radio and look out the windowover the river...and all the guys would come up to me and say what a bigguy I was and my Dad was a good guy and I looked just like him, etc...Iwas so proud...My grandfather Hinkell after he retired was a guard for the company aswell...sometimes I'd sit in the guard house with my grandfather Hinkellon Saturday mornings at Sprague Electric Co in North Adams...it was theclock tower that is now the entrance to Mass MoCa...on Marshall St...Iwould make the rounds with him all through the buildings and he wouldpunch his clock (so they knew he was there and everything wassecure)...anyway, then we would all go to a diner somehwere in NorthAdams and I would get an "Eastern" thats a "Western" witthout thepeppers and onions!...or we would go to Jacks Hot Dog stand (which isstill there on Eagle St right around the corner from Danielsplace)...I'd sit between them at the lunch counter...it was socool...everybody knew my Dad and my Grandfather...they called mygrandfather "Butch"...then later in life I worked for my Dad...when Ithink back...it was a wonderful time...
From my mother:
Flashback...And if you can believe this...I went to work with my Dad atthe paper mill. I saw the big vat of rags being washed (probably indangerous chemicals) before they made the paper, huge rollers (couldmake gumby's out of all of us) that the rags went in to smooth out forpaper, huge trimmer (like a saw) that cut the paper (and probably a fewfingers).Yep, I remember that and then I went and had a butterscotchsundae. Never knew there was any other flavor besides vanilla andchocolate until that day.
My dad's response:
Fond memories heh...thats nice...I went to your Dad's office at BW oncetoo...to get directions to go to Paula and Michaels house in DaleCity...back in 1974...we ended up in Cape May NJ (through no fault ofyour Dad for sure) but it was funny...as they say...what a trip thatwas! hahaha Remember when Donny Pelkey got his arm caught in one ofthose rollers? That poor guy...how is he anyway?
My brother's response:
I took the trip to the mill as well. Grandpa used to hand out paycheckson Saturday.
From my husband:
I went to work with my dad once when he was a truck driver for somecarpet company in NY and we had a deliver right in downtown Syracuse. Ifelt like I was ontop of the world being up so high and because my dadwipped through the city like Erin does in the Elantra and then trafficwould stop because he would have to back the trailer up to the loadingdock but of course you would think he was backing up a pop up trailer hedid it so smooth.
From Me:
When mom was working at the doctor's office, Alyssa and I wouldsometimes go in with her on Saturdays. Alyssa and I would ransack theoffice supply cabinet for pens and post-its and notepads to play with. I remember working at, well making plant arrangements in the greenhouseat Rare Earth Dalton store, when dad left to make a delivery. He said that he would be right back. It seemed like hours and I got a customerand I had to arrange some flowers for him and ring him up on the cashregister. I guess my hours of watching Barb whip up arrangements paidoff. Alyssa and I would help put water in the flowers pics for funeralarrangements. On Saturdays and Sundays when we went to the shop, Alyssa and I were given $5 to go across the street to Cumberland Farms for asnack. We almost always bought Apple pies and I would find someway toeat most of Alyssa's as well as mine.
From my sister:
Oh my god... Filling up those water picks was the worst. For some reason, we would always use cold water and our poor little fingers would be freezing when we were done. I remember being in the basement of the first Rare Earth shop (the one in Dalton) and hearing the song Love Shack by the B 52s. I used to love how sunny and humid the greenhouse was. I remember a lot about that shop...
The night some boy came in and tried to apply for a job. Mom told him that we didn't need help. He told her that his mom told him not to bother coming home unless he ha a job and then proceeded to fold a flower out of ribbon. Mom had a heart-to-heart with him and finally convinced him to go home.
I used to love how fresh the coolers smelled when you first opened them up.
I remember how rough mom's hands were from handling the roses all the time.
The blue delivery can didn't have any seats in the back. I was sitting in between the two front seats- Dad was driving and Erin was riding in the passenger seat. Dad slammed on the breaks at the top of Mountain Drive. My head hit the radio console and I got a black eye right before the first day of school.
I used to go on deliveries and plant maintenance with Dad to Kimball Farms. He used to give me the water bottle and I would spray off the plants for him. I felt so important when the old-timers talked to me and made a big deal out of me helping my dawd.
Mom came into one of my classrooms in elementary school. She brought all sorts of supplies and we got to plant spider plants. Every kid in my class got to take one home.
I remember the yellow t-shirts we sold during the gulf war and when they were marked down when we went out of business.
I would get off the bus near Brookside Drive and walk down the path towards the back parkign lot of the store. Sometimes it would be muddy and i was always so scraed I was going to slip.
One time, I had pneumonia and went to work with mom. I had my blanket with the satin edging and laid under the desk in that room between the actual store and the flower arranging room.
We all stayed late at the Dalton shop one time preparing flowers for a Firemen's funeral. We had a picture of a badge and made an arrangement that looked exactly like it.
Another time, we cleaned off a rubber plant for hours. It had been at a sub or pizza shop (maybe on Tyler street or West housatonic street?) and was greasy all over. We scrubbed those leaves until they shone.
Dad built this forest scene inside the Pittsfield shop. Complete with trees and a pond with gold fish. (I think they kept slipping inside the lining and dying.)
Hahaha, its funny when you remember those kinds of things- they seem so vivid...
Alyssa also added wich is documented in a photo taken on the first day of school:
The blue delivery can didn't have any seats in the back. I was sitting in between the two front seats- Dad was driving and Erin was riding in the passenger seat. Dad slammed on the breaks at the top of Mountain Drive. My head hit the radio console and I got a black eye right before the first day of school.
My dad's response:
I still have one of those T-Shirts...its in one of my storgae bins! Iremember those things to...that Dalton Fireman deal...I remember that...it was a Friday night and Barb, her husband Dave and theirfriends, the Woods were there pounding down brewski's...something theydid a lot of...anyway, Mom was not there...she went on a trip with Judyand the girls somewhere...we were all alone...in a flower shop...with a drunken flower arranger...making arrangements for a Sat AM funeral! hahaha You were the one with the black eye...I thought John was the one...but it was you...thats right Lis...the Jade plant came from Angelina's on Tyler St...good memory...I used biodegradable black bagsto line one of your old little swimimmg pools to make the pool for thegold fish...the bags biodegraded and the water turned ink black..didn't bother the fish though...John helped me clean out the stone when we closed the store...there is a little variety store in there now...I usedthe bathroom in the back a couple of weeks ago as a matter of fact...mom and I used to play cards in the AM before I went on my deliveries...I run into people all the time who remember that store and they thought I was the delivery boy and Mom was the owner! hahaha
Last week
So my dad decided to create his own and he's been using them in his emails. Here is what he came up with:
Friday, May 12, 2006
What a game! Red Sox 5, Evil 3
Before the game, Curt is taken to the hospital by a Yankee representative "to check some out unrelated to baseball." Hmm. First inning, Matsui breaks his wrist with an awful and painful to watch sliding dive. He is walked off the field and taken to the hospital in uniform. Bubba comes running over to left while Bernie Williams takes over in right. And there they went, both powerful teams going back and forth, robbing hits, homeruns. Bubba robbing Lowell of a 2 run homer, Johnny Damon robbing Youk of another homer. All in all 15 runners were left in scoring position for the Red Sox. Joe Torres did a great job of mixing up his arsenal of pitchers and switching them out. Youk had his share of frustrations. In the 7th inning he came up to bat and hit a hard liner to Cano.
''Pretty self-explanatory," he said, when asked what he was thinking at that moment. ''You fail so much. It's a game of failure. To do everything perfect, hit the ball hard, and it's right at him, nothing to show for it."
But he does have something to show for his hard work. With his quick feet, hands and reactions, he has stolen many hits from batters this year. He's amazing at first. Former Red Sox Mike Myers came in to strike Ortiz for a big out. But they didn't have enough. Loretta came up to bat in the 7th and hit a shot to Jeter who through the ball to Miguel on his knees, missing the out and a run scored 4-3. That was the last play that my tired eyes could watch. They eventually got the win after my husband and I feel fast asleep on the couch. The suspense had worn us both out. I woke up at 12:14 and the tv was on and I heard a muffled, "And the Red Sox pulled out a 5 to 3 win over the Yankees." I immediately woke up that instant and wondering if it was a continuation of my dream. My husband confirmed what I had heard as truth.
They did win. Phew.
For Better or for worse Red Sox 3, Evil 7

But I couldn't watch the game last night. The game started off awesome. Ortiz hit a shot in the first inning, his 12th so far this season, we-re up 2-0, Manny ran and reached up and robbed Damon's ball, Mike Lowell is up to the plate and hits his 3rd homer of the year, it was a replay of the night before, but then it came to an end. There were a few great plays, Loretta caught a liner, Youk jumped up and snagged one, but we couldn't squeek it out. I had a busy stressful day at work, had a list of things to get done last night, it started with folding clothes watching the game and then after that it was laundry, re-potting my new herb garden, potting peppers, finishing the last row of the current quilt I am working on, baking a cake for a birthday next week, (you have to freeze the cakes for a couple of days so they turn out nice and moist), an occasional look at the game to see how Schilling was doing and then a second homerun, Posada, and that was it for me. I saw a little of Holtz and heard that Papelbon was in the game and then I knew the score was 7-3.
I heard a few things about Schilling this morning. He hasn't been the same since his 133 pitch night against the Indians. He can't beat himself up about last night. The ESPN bandwagon says that the Yankees are the most dangerous team offensively and the Red Sox leave something to be desired. So if that's true, and yes the Yankees have a great line-up of stuperstars, then how did we beat up on them the other night? My husband would argue that 6 of those runs were on errors, and yes that may be true, but the score was 14-3. So without those unearned 6, we still would hae beat up on them 8-3. We have Manny, Ortiz, Lowell and since last Thursday has had 9 hits, those being 8 doubles and one homer, Little Papi Pena when he can get his bat up, Youk, Trot… All of them can hit and they did it Tuesday night and we can do it again tonight.
So pick it up boys, the Nation is still behind you, even if we are too anxious to watch, I can listen the tv in the livingroom.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Interesting question
Here's an interesting question about the NL and pinch hitting. Say it is either the top or bottomg of the 9th and you are down by a run and your pitcher is one of the next 3 batters, or if the inning goes a little longer and ends up in the batters box are you able to have a pinch hitter?
I said I don't see why not but he would have to pitch if need be but then he said okay so can he pitch to one batter and then pull him for another pitcher?
Well my husband researched the answer.
A starting pitcher may be pinched hit starting in the 5th inning. Hewill be pinch hit for the numbers of runs you are behind, plus half thenumber of runners currently on base, is atleast 4.5 in the 5th, 3.5 inthe 6th, 2 in the 7th, 1 in the 8th or .5 in the 9th or extra innings. Closers are always pinch hit for if they are behind, or tied, exceptthat before the 5th inning relievers are only pinch hit for if at least2 men are on base. If a pitcher is Pinch hit for then you can bring a new pitcher in thenext inning but the PH has to stay in the field at another position. Never thought about it. Baseball is crazy. I was reading the NL scoresheet.
I love the AL!!!
Before last night's Red Sox game
And we blew them away, 14-3. Can't say that about tonight. Johnny just hit one through the infield and Bernie scored. 3-7. Timlin is warming up.
I just have to share this...
The Life of a First Year Teacher
By A. Hinkell
I was heating up my potato latkes for my lunch and went to the restroom for 1.5 minutes while they were heating up. Mind you, this is something that I do every single day. I return and the microwave is smoking- I freak out, open the window and sprint back to the room we each lunch in. Call the office and they are like, "Oh it must be the crumbs..." I'm like, "No seriously, the school fire alarm is definitely going to go off." I go back to the room with the microwave, unplug the monstrosity and open the door to air out the room. The school fire alarm starts go off.
Haven't had the experience of a modern-day school fire alarm? Let me describe this for you...
There is a fire alarm attached to the wall about every 8 feet. The alarm itself is is extremely loud and ear-piercing...the kind of noise that makes your heart start racing and gives you the chills. The alarms are, of course, complete with white flashing lights. Every set of doors in the hallways automatically close and lock from the outside. All 750 12-, 13-, and 14-year olds, teachers, administators, custodians, and lunch ladies file out of the building. Outside, it is raining and approximately 50 degrees. We are outside shivering for 12 minutes before we hear any sirens.
When we are finally summoned in, my principal does not look happy. I assume that it is because of me. Although, I am sure some of his annoyance was due to my flaming lunch, he also informs me that he had to call the fire department himself because they were not coming. Our alarm singal was apparently not reaching the station and they would have never come if he didn't call them.
Don't have the pleasure of knowing how kids react when their regular schedule is disrupted?
We return to fifth period, shivering and wet and it takes twice the regular amount of time to get the kdsi refocused. Meanwhile, the 200 kids in first lunch return to the lunch room. A food fight ensues and the 3 adults that monitor the lunchroom are unable to regain control. Numerous kids receive detention and some are suspended. Lunch is extended which means that 5th period, already a longer period (over an hour), is extended for another 15 minutes. During passing time, the kids are outrageous, screaming and pushing each other around. Since then, 2 fights have broken out. A student also threw a desk across the hallway and as it smashed into the lockers, it broke the lockers and cracked in half.
Also, the head of my department is in the building today and all day, I have anticipated being observed last period.
This is, my friends, the life of a first year teacher...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
One last thing...
Lily's fever
I was leaving work later than usual and my husband calls to say that Lily is burning up with a 104 degree temp and she is screaming into the phone. I tell him to give her some tylenol and I would be right home. This isn't the first time that she's had a high temp, but usually she had other symptoms, cough, runny gunky nose... Nothing this time so I immediately thought a urinary tract infection. I called our daycare provider and she said that Lily was fine for her, ate, played, slept well and was in great spirits all day. Then she says, "Oh I told you that Christopher had strep throat on friday right?" Umm, no... Come to think of it, I saw Christopher there on Friday and on Monday and Tuesday. Great Lily was totally exposed. By the way, Christopher's mother is a nurse and his father is an EMT. But she was eating crackers when I got home and she was eating crackers. Not something a child with a sore throat would do if she had strep. So we head off to the emergency room. Her fever was coming down, by the time we got to Ft. Belvoir it was 101.8. 2 and a half hours later we are seen by the doctor. Let me mention at this time that my husband and I were freaking out about the game. I called my dad. He says rain delay, then he turns on NESN and sees that the game has been postponed to August 18th at 1pm. Phew.
Lily and I are called from the waiting room into the er and brought to a bed. We were there for about 45 minutes to an hour. I took my shoes off and laid down with Lily and at some point a nurse came over and covered us up with a sheet. The entire time we were there I couldn't help but over hear a conversation between an elderly chief warrant officer and the doctor assigned to his case. He had just had major back surgery for an apparent fall off of a 10 foot ladder. I say apparent b/c he does not remember actually falling, but he was able to tell the doctor in great detail that he fell from the ladder, crashed through a bush and bent a 6 foot chain link fence, and amazingly other details. Since his back surgery he was hooked up to a catheter. 2 weeks after this fall that he didn't remember, he had some pains in his back that weren't going away. He asks his wife to look at his back. She finds that his lower back is entirely black and blue. He had been walking around with a broken back for 2 weeks and didn't know it. He had been to the urologist 4 weeks before for a change of his bag and a "flush." He talked at great length about the pain in his stomach, scrotum, about how he took his privates (Oh he didn't use the word "privates," but the other p word repeatedly.) out to pee and then remembered that he had a catheter and his privates were of no use, how he has no feelings in his buttucks, yet his rectum is sticking out 2 inches, that he can grab it with a thumb and a finger and his rectum is very tender and very painful to the touch. Yeah, I didn't need to know that. So he now has 2 nurses and a doctor and finally he is able to release the contents of his bladder into his plastic bag and 400 cc's come out. He bp drops 30 points and he is now feeling quite ill and "woosy." I've just about had it at this point. Why did they bring us back there just to lay on a bed for an hour? We could have at least have been watching the Orioles play.
So finally the doctor examines Lily. She says, "What's going on here?" I said that Lily had a 104 fever, it came on suddenly, I gave her some tylenol and it was slowly going down. I told her about the other child in her daycare that had strep throat. "Well, I wouldn't be too concerned with high fevers. Babies temperatures will spike." Um what? 104 fever isn't a big deal? She checks her ears and picks out a huge clump of ear wax. Oops. They are clear, she checks her throat, then she decides that she'll need a urine specimem. Um what about a throat culture? Who's the doctor here? I need to go to med school.
20 minutes later a woman comes over with some motrin for her fever, that we haven't re-checked for almost 3 hours. We then wait another 20 minutes for a nurse to come over and attach a little baggy for urine collection. An hour later, after a short nap, tickle session and a short walk around the floor, we have a sample. An hour after that, we find that she tested positive. Positive for what I say? "The urinary tract infection." She told me that Lily still needed to go to her scheduled appointment today for a follow-up. After an aggravating 45 minutes of driving lost around Ft. Blevoir we arrive safely at home just under 1 am. What a night...
So this morning we head to Ft. Myer's for her scheduled appointment. We are told by the nurse that we are not supposed to bring Lily into the office when she has a fever. I knew that but I was told by the emergency room doctor to bring her in for a follow-up. Geez. We answer the routine questions, Does Lily stack blocks, does Lily know where her nose is, where her belly button is, does she have a vocab of 3-6 words, and on and on and then we are seen by another doctor who has trouble articulating in English. Lily completely looses it when the stethescope comes out. Dr. Kim looks at the results of the urine test from the emergency room and decides that since there are only a few white blood cells present, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a UTI. I tell her that it may be strep. "Did they check for that last night?" I said no. "Did you tell them about the boy in daycare?" I said yes. She does a 30 minute culture, negative. She also did a 3 day culture and they will call with the results and the emergency room will call if the antibiotic that she has been prescribed will be effective against the type of bacteria that grows on her urine culture. Phew.
As of an hour ago her, temp was 102. I gave her some more tylenol and I'm about to check to see if it has come down. She's in generally good spirits though and I got a day off from work.
Red Sox 7, Evil 3

What an amazing day Monday turned out to be.
The day was going pretty slow at work, thinking about the game that was coming up in the evening against theYankees, Wakefield pitching and the struggling Josh Bard and of course, never too far from my thoughts, the whole Johnny Damon drama. Johnny Damon was beginning to be one of my all time favorite baseball players. He would never surpass Kirby Puckett in my eyes, but finally there was a player on my favorite team that I always got the job done, played his heart out, crashing into walls, playing with a dislocated shoulder, and his heart was in the game, for his team and for his fans. It was a beautiful thing. And then the complete unthinkable occurred, something that he had quoted saying that he would never, ever, ever do, cross his heart and the Nation, he signed with the Yankees. Mr. Red Sox Baseball, sold his soul to Steinbrenner. That was a very sad day for me.
So then as I was starting to think about going to the gym, an email pops up from my friend Meg:
"Hey there! Wanted to let you know that Doug Mirabelli is back!! He's catching tonight for Wake. We traded Josh Bard to SD for him. AND the stupid Yankees tried to get him too! WE WIN!"
Tears welled up in my eyes. He is took a private plane to Logan and then got into a police vehicle and was escorted to Fenway at 100 mph, as he changed into his uniform. He didn't even bring a glove with him. There was one waiting for him in the locker room. When he was traded a few months back, he left his knuckleball catcher glove for Josh, and then now, Josh Bard left it for him. He is on the field in record time, ready for the opening pitch at 7:13pm. It doesn't get any better than that folks.
''I was like, 'Here we go,' " Mirabelli said. ''I don't think I've ever been that nervous in my career. Ever." I was just as nervous for him.
Johnny comes up to bat and his name is announced. I hear boos, then I see some standing and clapping, and he takes his hat off to the Fenway gang. The Nation wasn't completely thrilled but they did pay him alittle respect to Damon who played an intrical part of out World Series Championship and played his heart out every minute of every game. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth watching him smiling and goofing off in the Yankees dugout but baseball is business and what's done is done. And he went 0 for 4. Gotta love that.

What a game.
Monday, May 01, 2006
"Hey there! Wanted to let you know that Doug Mirabelli is back!! He's catching tonight for Wake. We traded Josh Bard to SD for him. AND the stupid Yankees tried to get him too! WE WIN! "
What??? Flying in from San Diego for tonight's game to catch for Wakie! Unbelieveable!
Big game tonight. Not big, huge!
Red Sox
1. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
2. Mark Loretta, 2B
3. David Ortiz, DH
4. Manny Ramirez, LF
5. Trot Nixon, RF
6. Mike Lowell, 3B
7. Wily Mo Pena, CF
8. Doug Mirabelli, C
9. Alex Cora, SS
P -- Tim Wakefield
1. Johnny Damon, CF
2. Derek Jeter, SS
3. Jason Giambi, DH
4. Alex Rodriguez, 3B
5. Hideki Matsui, LF
6. Jorge Posada, C
7. Miguel Cairo, 1B
8. Bubba Crosby, RF
P -- Chien-Ming Wang
Johnny Damon will also be there tonight. I have more thoughts on him later. But since I am at work, I need to focus on that first, well I will try. I've called my dad and I've talked to my sister. One more hour to go. My heart is pounding. I know it's ridiculus.
Here's are email exchange:
I forwarded the breaking news to my dad.
Breaking Sports Alert: Sox re-acquire Mirabelli Johnny Damon won't be the only player making his return to Fenway tonight. According to a major league source, the Red Sox have re-acquired Doug Mirabelli from the Padres in exchange for catcher Josh Bard, minor-league pitcher Cla Meredith, and cash (in the six-figure range). The Yankees were also trying to acquire Mirabelli."
I write: I'm almost crying I'm so excited. Dad I called your cell and left a message. You must be out for a walk. This is amazing news.
My dad replies with:
I think the fans should give Damon his due...and give him a courteous applause not an ovation but an applause the first time he comes to bat...show some class, which Red Sox fans sometimes don't do...anyway when he comes up the next time...I would boo the crap out of him...traitor...Benedict Arnold! hahaha
I say:
I won't clap but I won't boo his first at bat. He's still a Judas in my eyes. Lol No, baseball is business. No way to get around it.
Dad with his infinite wisdom quips:
Sad but true...kind of takes away from the game and the ntertainment of it...players need to be committed to one team for a longer period of time...I don't know how you accomplish that...but I know revenue sharing as they do in the NFL may help to keep players around...but re: Damon...he is no Tony Conigliaro, or Reggie Smith or Rico Petrocelli or the Yaz or Fisk or the Boomer (George Scott not the Yankee reject)...now those were Red Sox...but he had a good career with the Sox...helped them win a World Series and in 10 or 15 years he will be back in Boston when they honor that team...so clap when he leads off in the first and boo him the next time around...thats baseball too!
Another Tough Weekend
With Friday night's loss behind us we move on to Saturday night with a fire in our bellies. DiNardo pitching, a loss 5-2 againist the Devil Rays. 4 nothing in the 6th, Youk hit a 2 run double of a shot, started the rally in the 9th after 3 walks Walker. What an inning. Loved it. And then Papelbon came in and threw 3 k's. Beautiful.
Then came Sunday. Schilling with a loss. He mortal this year. And I learned this morning that he is the 4th hated baseball player. Not sure if it is the fans or the players themselves that voted but I as a fan love him. He talks a lot sure, but he's honest, loves his family so much that he is retiring in 2 years and loves the game so much that he is going to get the Sox to the World Series again. He's a team player and he's gives every outing the most that he can and it's amazing to watch in person. He is trying to blame the loss on himself and everyone knows that you can't entirely blame the starting pitching for your own team's lack of hitting. Ludacris. 2 days in a row rallies in the 9th, Pena and Lowell back to back homeruns, valient effort, but one run short of a tie, 2 runs short of a win. Tough 5-4 loss.
So Wakie is on the mound for us tonight up against Wang. Let's blow them out of the Pahk boys. Those pinestripes are going to be in our house!!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Red Sox 2, Devil Ray 5
Clement started us off giving up a walk, a wild pitch, another walk, a deep double into right, run scores, a single, then a K. We saw a triple from Veritek in the bottom of the 1st, but he was left stranded. 2 nd inning, walk, single, single, K, K, 2 runs score. Top of the 3rd, 3 up, 3 down and we take the field. Bottom of the 3rd, out, out, walk, out. Top of the 4th, Ortiz and Manny both hit by pitches. Hmm. What's up with that? And that's all I could stand.
14 runners left on base last night, disgraceful.
As long as we are getting it out of the system now before the Yankees visit at Fenway.
DiNardo starting tonight. Let's pick up the bats, start swinging and act like we want to win!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Red Sox 3, Indians 15

15 freakin runs. Beckett is taken out in the 4th inning with one more out to go, 9 runs had scored. He gave up 3 homeruns. His ERA of 1.29, with 3 wins and 0 losses, is now 4.50. All this happened in 3 and 2/3 innings. That’s about all I could watch and I let myself drift off to sleep on the couch. I couldn't take it anymore.
Beckett said later, ''Just one of those nights, brutal, brutal, brutal," Beckett said. ''No excuses. You've got to go out and execute pitches. If you don't do that, balls get [whacked] all over the place just like they did."
"I'll tell you what," Francona said, "I love this guy. He competes his (butt) off. There are guys, they compete, they will themselves to be better than other people."We love you to so keep your head up Josh!
After Beckett, Seanez came out, followed by Tavarez. 15 runs on 11 hits. What a night the Indians had. After Beckett, Seanez came out, followed by Tavarez.
Well what can you say, that got their dupas handed to them. ''You run into nights like this," Red Sox manager Terry Francona said, ''when you don't have an answer for anything they're doing."
And that's all it was. A bad night. So we've got the D-Rays for 3 and then a 2 game series with the Yankees at home.
Shake it off and let's get the bats up. Is there anyway that Schilling can pitch every 3rd day?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Santa's workshop!

Email from dad:
I just printed off the picture and I have the dimensions...I will placean order to Sanat's workshop and see if he can put a rush on itforya...I will make it modular so you can break it down...the top is 55" x38"...pretty good size work surface...Would you like a formica worksurface on top?
This is what Santa is making me for Christmas!!! Yeah!!! I need a bigger work space for my quilts.
What are you? I'm strawberry shortcake.
Here are your choices:
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue
4. Vanilla cake with Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate on Chocolate
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake
No, you can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully what your choice will be...............OK - Now that you've made your choice this is what research says about you...
1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE -- Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimesyou need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.
2. BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humour and direction. You tend to be very loyal.
3. LEMON MERINGUE -- Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.
4. VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING -- Fun-loving, sassy, humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.
5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE -- Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return. Intuitively keen. Can be very emotional.
6. CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE -- Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
7. ICE CREAM -- You like sports, whether it be baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.
8. CARROT CAKE -- You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.
4th inning
So far not so good
4 Things
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bus girl then server at the Lenox House, Lenox MA (Just like my big sis!)
2. Intern for the DOE, Child Support Enforcement Division
3. Telemarketer for one day (my birthday was the next day and my friend Sara and I were sitting in offices right across from each other and were hysterically laughing with each call)
4. TTP!
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Swingers
2. The NeverEnding Story
3. Amelie
4. Crash
Four places I have lived:
1. Pittsfield, MA
2. Amherst, MA
3. Oxford, England
4. Alexandria, VA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Sex and the City
2. Number One Single with Lisa Loeb (I don;t know if it is still on, but I > like it too)
3. Jeopardy
4. Scrubs/The Office
Four places I have been on vacation: (I can list only 4?)
1. Ireland
2. San Diego
3. Does the Dominican count as a "vacation"?
4. London/Paris
Four websites I visit regularly:
1. www.redsox.mlb.com
2. www.berkshireeagle.com
3. www.thefirst180.blogspot.com
4. www.weather.com
Four of my favorite foods (just four?):
1. Apple Pie
2. Cottage Cheese
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. I am perfectly content sitting in my bed writing this email right now
Four things I always carry with me:
2. cell phone
3. my calendar
4. water
Four friends/family members who I have tagged that I think will respond:
1. no one
Today's email chatter
Dad starts off with :
Arroyo is 4-0...the Sox made a great deal when they traded Bronson for Willy Mo! Another stellar deal in a long history of bonehead trades...
I disagree:
But Wily hit one out last night. Would have been a great shot if Lowell didn't ground out into a double play. He was struggling at the plate last night. I learned something interesting... We had to suck up Lowell contract in order to get Beckett. It was a package deal. There must not be enough clubs in Cincinnati for Bronson to spin and rap at. He found plenty in Boston to stay out late at and pitch crappy the next day. Maybe he woke up and realized that baseball is now and music can come later. Wasn't Babe Ruth the same way? They would find him passed out drunk outside of bars in Boston so we got rid of him and he became a superstar with the Yankees.
Dad quips:
Interesting thoughts...Lowell actually has a golden glove(s) at third base so defensively he is pretty good...but we miss Mueller's offense and clutch hitting and Coco has not been a factor yet in CF and I liked Millar...I wish they would get rid of Wells...he is weird...I think this is a transition year for the SOX...I think once Theo gets his head screwed on right again he'll figure things out...I guess the Babe drank, smoke and womanized his way to #714...looking at the pictures and old films...he had quite a gut...but imagine if he took steroids instead of all that other stuff...he may have hit 1,014...
Dad says:
He is pretty slick over there at third...but the Sox are having trouble scoring runs...they have only scored two earned runs in Wakefield has been on the mound during his last four starts...poor Wake...he's 1-4...last night the catcher had four passed balls...another dumb move...can we get Mirebelli back from the Dodgers???
I say:
Mirabelli said that it took him 2 years to figure out how to catch for him. Who decided it was time to get a new guy in there to take another 2 years to figure it out?
Dad replies with:
Not sure about that one...for some reason they elected not to re-sign Mirabelli...I mean he didn't hit for a high average but he did have some pop in his bat and he caught Wake very well...he only had 6 PB's all last year...this guy has 9 already! Real problem right now though is lack of offense...nobody is really hitting for average...and Varitek...now that he has a big contract...his numbers are way down...we'll have to give it a little time...but I see problems down the road...
Red Sox 1, Indians 7
The thing with Josh Bard is this. It takes a considerable amount of time to get used to catching a nuckleballer. I get it and I sympathize. But then Tavarez gets up to pitch and he still has trouble catching his ball. Yeah it could be that he was used to the 68 mile an hour knuckle fast ball and then all of a sudden a 90 mph fast ball is thrown at him. Heck I would bobble the ball. It's frustrating. But you can't blame a loss on passed balls. The reason that they lost the game is b/c they didn't hit the ball.
So let's get on it boys, swing the bats and get some hits. I'll be watching and reading Beckett on Gamecast. We don't have HDTV yet. Maybe soon though. Our color tube blew and were watching tv through a rainbow telescope!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Birthday win
On the edge of my computer seat excitement for me as I strained to watch Gamecast and waited ever so patiently for the updates.
After 133 pitches in the 7th inning, Schilling was relieved of his duties as the game was tied up, 5-5. 133 picthes. Yikes. Only Pedro Martinez topped that with 136 pitches in Red Sox history. He then was on the Dl with a strained shoulder a few weeks later. So what to do. One batter away from the end of the 7th, 133 pitches, game ties up, Francona decides to pull him… Cleveland is a great hitting team and Schilling did a fantastic job keeping the hits at bay. It was now up to the Sox Offense to finish it off. Thanks to Ortiz being intentionally walked, Manny hit one out in Centerfield, 3 run shot. And the boys won it for my birthday 8-6. Record now is 13-7.
Wakefield is starting tonight. 7pm and finally the game is on ESPN. Yeah!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
What a Day!
Several oddities occurred throughout the day where people joked with me about being 29 forever, 29 for the second time, wink wink. No seriously, I'm 29. 10 emails, 4 email Hallmark cards and 2 Monk emails, 6 or 7 phone calls later, I am feeling well loved. I took my time at lunch. Stopped for a Green Tea Serenity Smoothie from Robek's and I was almost ready to go back to work. Then at 3:48pm an email was sent that cake was to be served in a conference room in honor of my birthday. What? Incredible. People do like me. We gave up monthly unit birthday celebrations due to lack of participation, It was so bad that the birthday girls and boys weren't showing up for their own cake. So to have a cake just for me, very special. And it wasn't just your standard, run-of-the-mill triple decker birthday cake from Giant or Safeway, but 2 delectable creations from Whole Foods, a chocolate covered cheesecake and a fruit tarte. I felt like a Queen!
I came home to my husband and daughter out on the patio waiting for me. Lily was adorable in her jean skirt. We walked to the new Italian restaurant that opened down the street and had a lovely meal. Lily held it together except for a little cry session due to a stomach ache, not her fault, and she was able to regain composure and return to the table all smiles.
In all in all it was a beautiful day. One last Happy Birthday to me until next year! (oh Christ, game is tied up 5-5... please please please for my birthday Schilling, for my 29th birthday!)
Monday, April 24, 2006
I am turning 29 tomorrow. The last year of my roaring twenties. I sent an email to my sister the other day, I guess unintentionally reminding her. She wrote back, "Dude, haven't you watched Sex in the City? 30's are the new 20's." Hmm, interesting. Sex in the City. A witty tale about fabulously beautiful women, in their 30's and 40's, living the fabulous life in New York City, in their fabulous shoes, fabulous clothes, fabulous bodies...
Yeah I'm 29, I don't feel like I am that close to 30, but I'm not getting any younger. My poor neice who is 9, is afraid to grow up. Rightly so.
I remember distinctively a night 6 years ago when I went to a Dave Matthews concert. I was 23 and our seats were next to a group of 17 and 18 year olds, an obnoxious group of 17 and 18 year olds. One kid said to me, "How old are you?" I said 23. He continued with, "Don't you think that you are too old to be going to see Dave? Yeah so you'll be going to Dave shows when you are 50." They all laughed thinking he was hysterical. I couldn't believe that little puke head called me old. He's probably 23 or 24 now, I wonder if he is still going to Dave shows. And for the record, I have seen Dave 3 times after that and will be going this summer to Saratoga Springs with my cousins to see him again. So there.
Well, 29 isn't all that bad. With age, comes wisdom right? And I'm married to a wonderful man and we have a beautiful daughter and I wouldn't change a thing for the world.
Happy 29th Birthday to me tomorrow!
Last Weekend's baseball
Schilling, Foulke and Papelbon were outstanding, Clement, Beckett and DiNardo struggled with 10 hits and 7 runs in 3 innings. Yikes. But on the birght side, Manny rose from wherever he went, his winter slumber and cracked out 2 homeruns.
Let's focus on yesterday afternoon's win shall we? Ortiz, 2 run homerun in the first, then laid down a bunt for a single in the 6th inning. They had the Ortz shift going and he caught everyone off guard. Papi could have gotten up there with his huge homerun swings but he plays for the team, not himself. 8 and counting homeruns this season, Ortiz sees what he is up against and he lays down a bunt to get the single. Outstanding.
So we are 12-7.
Not bad, not bad at all. Day off today and then tomorrow, my birthday, Schilling starts the series off against Cleveland.
Friday, April 21, 2006
8th Inning
Manny just hit another homerun
Today's Family Email Exchange
Before I get started, Manny and Ortiz in the 3rd inning hit back to back homeruns against the Blue Jays and Millar just just hit a single off of Wang with 2 RBI's. The Orioles are in the race and not letting up!!! 5-4 Baltimore. Vertitek just homered to right. YEAH! 4-2 Boston OhmyGod bases loaded walk, Baltimore is up 6-4. My head is spinning. Focus.
I received a fun email from my friend Meg and sent it out to my friends and family to see who would respond. I knew my dad would and he always has interesting responses. I couldn't wait to read it. Here's what he wrote:

Four jobs I have had in my life:
First of all I have had over 22 jobs...probably can't remember some ofthem...Berkshire Eagle paper boy, Guitan Reality lawn mowing, BerkshireMedical Center kitchen, Crescent Creamery, college cafeteria, Searswarehouse (Brookline), Orpeus Ascending (bartender), Kemps Hamburgs(Boston), Cleveland Circle Pharmacy (Brighton), Carr Hardware, HowardJohnsons restaurant, GE (never actually started), Culligan WaterConditioning, MRM Machine and Tool (with Grampa) wonderful experience,Casey Contruction, Raynors Bearings, Shaeffer Eaton, Tog Mold, RareEarth Florists, Bousquets Ski Area, City of Pittsfield, Adams-CheshireRegional School District and Sears again.
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Jeramiah Johnson
2. Rocky series
3. Superman series
4. Pretty Woman
Four places I have lived:
1. North Adams, MA
2. Clarksburg, MA
3. Pittsfield, MA
4. Boston, MA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. King of Queens
2. History and Discovery Channels
3. Wheel of Fortune
4. All sports, baseball, basketball, football, golf, tennis, you name itI flick...
Four places I have been on vacation: (I can list only 4?)
1. Ireland
2. Disney World
3. Cape Cod (Favorate place)
4. Dominican Republic
Four websites I visit regularly:
1. www.doe.ma.edu
2. www.berkshireeagle.com
3. www.espn.com
4. www.boston.com
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Irish stew
2. Pasta figioli
3. Steak on the barbie
4. Tricuts Rye
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Back in 1985 when my family was intact, kids were little and my Dad was still alive.
2. In my cottage on the Cape, watching the waves crash out the window,working on a woodworking project.
3. Hawaii
4. Or any beach, 80 degrees, slight breeze, wicked sunny
Four things I always carry with me:
1. Cell phone
2. Pics of kids
3. Good luck charm
4. Wallet
Four friends/family members who I have tagged that I think will respond:
1. Sister Maryann
2. Lis
3. John won't
4. ????
Here are my responses:
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bus girl then server at the Lenox House, Lenox MA
2. UMass Alumni Fund telemarketer
3. Server then Dining Room Manager at the Red Lion Inn, Stockbridge MA
4. Legal Assistant for US Attorney's Office, Alexandria, VA
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Good Will Hunting
2. Bridget Jones Diary
3. Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason
4. Pretty Woman
Four places I have lived:
1. Pittsfield, MA
2. Amherst, MA
3. Lenox, MA
4. Alexandria, VA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. 24
2. Number One Single with Lisa Loeb (which I haven't seen in a while, is it still on??)
3. American Idol
4. Any cooking show on Food TV
Four places I have been on vacation: (I can list only 4?)
1. Ireland
2. San Diego/Las Vegas
3. Portugal
4. London/Paris
Four websites I visit regularly:
1. www.redsox.mlb.com
2. www.berkshireeagle.com
3. www.espn.com
4. www.boston.com
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mom's chili
2. Sister-in-law's cheesy potatoes
3. Sushi
4.Cadbury Creme Eggs lol
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Traveling around the world
2. In my cottage on the Cape, watching the waves crash out the window, working on my quilts and chasing Lily around.
3. Hawaii
4. Or any beach, 80 degrees, slight breeze, wicked sunny
Four things I always carry with me:
1. cell phone
2. A diaper
3. Chapstick
4. Purse
Four friends/family members who I have tagged that I think will respond:
1. Hopefully my dad
2. Maybe my sister if she takes the time to slow down
3. Definitely Amy is she is bored at work
4. Possibly Marcy if she takes a break in between wedding plans...
Red Sox 1, Devil Rays 5
Ty Wiggington of Tampa Bay was struggling. Tried to tag up and sneak off of third but was picked off by the Nixon/Veritek relay throw. Then in the 9th, he missed 2 balls at 3rd and it was like watching the Red Sox, prior to the World Series win, when the "curse" was in full swing. That would happen to us all the time. So now, the bases were loaded up with one out and Trot gets in the batter's box. He has had 8 grand slams in his career. Striks out. Damn. Golden boy Jason gets up to bat. 2 grand slams in his career. Flies out. Damn.
Blue Jays today! Go get em Beckett!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Red Sox 9, Devil Rays 1
7 runs in the 3rd inning. They were just teeing off on the Devil Rays. Youk is a firestorm, 3 for 4 with 2 RBI's, with a homerun in the first inning. He acknowledges his achievement very humbly, ''We're playing good ball right now. For me, now it's what I'm not doing wrong. I'm trying not to do too much." And that's what the Sox needed. Good player, there for the game, not the spotlight, playing hard and playing for the good of the team. Baseball is back in Boston.
Wakefield is pitching tonight! Keep it up!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Red Sox 7, Tampa Bay 4
These are the major highlights that I have read about the game. Adam Stern dove to catch a heart-stopping, game ending out with bases loaded. The David Ortiz shift was in full effect with 6 players in the outfield, none in the infield.
Manny with a 2-run single, Youk with a 2 out, 2 run double in the 8th. Papelbon with his 7th save.
Now I am really liking the new team! Keep up the good work!
Loretta da Man!
Schilling with the win Friday night. 2-1 in the miserable rain. Schilling barehands a hit up the middle by Ichiro and gets the out. AHHH!!! After 8 innings and 104 pitches, it was time for Paprlbon who ended the game in 13 pitches to 4 batters for I think his fifth save of the year.
Great Job boys!!!
DC Spa Week
Aimee was finished with her 45 minute massage and grabbed a cup of water for me. The dyer was burning my forehead. The spaz came back and took me first. He ran a comb through my hair twice and started to cut. I was thinking to myself, "Usually they at least smooth out my hair. Oh Christ, here comes another bad haircut but this one will be double the price I usually pay at the Hair Cuttery." He never asked me what I wanted. Just looked at me and said, "You are with the best." Oh God…
He cut, snipped, trimmed, evened out, told me that it was a shame that I had gray hair. "What a shame. Too young, way to young." Aimee had left and put more quarters in the meter, stopped for a smoothie and a protein bar. She came back and he was blow drying my hair with his hands. He never used a brush. I looked like a million bucks. Aimee left again and then he had me under the dyers again with velco rollers perfectly postioned in my hair. I don't know how they stayed, I've tried using them before.
Then the final unveiling. He put me in another chair b/c while I was under the dyer, the girl who was shampooed at the same time as me was finally getting her haircut. She had sat there under the dyers with the deep conditioning goop the entire time he was cutting, drying and rolling my hair. Okay, so the final unveiling was done and I looked amazing. Movie start quality. Aimee's eyes lit up, everyone in the salon stopped what they were doing, turned to see who was sitting in that chair. The entire salon erupted in clapping and cheers, "Bravo! Bravo!"
Well it didn't and that way but Aimee did say that it looked nice, I felt like a million bucks and I can't get my hair to go back the way that it was. It's always like that. Ugh
Friday, April 14, 2006
Red Sox 6, Blue Jays 8
Disappointing loss but we are still early in the season and working it out.
So tonight we have Seattle with Schilling pitching. Should be a better outcome. Go Sox!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I'm completely and utterly freakin out right now.
Red Sox 4, Blue Jays 8
Mohr, Wily, Ortiz and Lowell had some hits, enough to scorre 4 runs, but that wasn't enough. Manny seems to be in some kind of slump. He should be able to shake that off soon. Loretta and Gonzalez are looking good out there and Youk. I'm liking the team. Brandnew team, it's going to take a few games to mesh. There's something missing there though out in the field. I miss Millar and I think that he is the missing piece of the puzzle.
But the show must go on.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wells is pitching
Home Opener
Josh Beckett with his first pitching experience at Fenway Park. What a rush. 36 picthes in the first inning. Yikes. I wasn't able to get to Boston for the opener but you can be assured that I had ESPN Gamesast on my desktop. I saw the glowing red dots moves across the bases, then another walk, one scored. AHHH!!! Bottom of the second, Lowell, Stern and Youlilis all doubled, 4 runs came in and then Ortix hit a shot to right giving us 5. Fouklke came in at the top of the 8th and then Papelbon relieved him at the top of the 9th and we had ourselves an exciting home opener!
During the family email exchange during the morning we were talking about the Home Opener and Fenway park undergoing some renavation. My dad writes, "I'll be there next year opening day!" I write back, "How, do you have tickets?" He responds, "Not yet, but I will."
Been reading about the EMC club with the white tablecloths, seared ahi tuna for 32 bucks and waiters that will not only serve you pinot grigio but t-shirts and hats too. What kind of crap is that? What is a baseball game without peanuts and greasy hotdogs and beer spilled on you? Fancy white tablecloths for $275 a game? Ridiculus. They need to open up that space so more real fans of baseball can get into Fenway.
Monday, April 10, 2006
"This is my house."

Ortiz baby! Another 4 years! Outstanding guy. Loves Fenway, loves the game, should have been the 2005 MVP.
In other news, Coco fractured his finger on that crazy steal attempt. Still trying to figure out who sent him. He'll have a splint for 10 days and then see how long it will heal. Great. Adam Stern will be covering.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny came to our apartment complex this morning for the kids. Hiding eggs and taking pictures. Lily was so cute, running around, grabbing eggs and putting them in her basket. 14 months, well now 14 and a half months. She's growing up so fast. She was a little shy around all of the other kids. She didn't want to be in the group picture and hid in between my legs.
Next weekend is Easter Sunday. Time is flying by, April is already here. This month is my birthday month, turning a huge 29, HUGE! I can't believe it. Anyway, mom will be driving down for the weekend so that will be nice. Hopefully we will be able to get up to Massachusetts for Mother's Day weekend.
My cousin's coffee shop is doing well, Cup and Saucer on Main Street in North Adams. The last time we were up there we cleaned his windows for lunch. Awesome sandwiches, my favorite, which I have had everytime I have been in there is roastbeef on toasted foccacia, provolone cheese, shaved red onion, wild mushroom pesto. Tried the lobster bisque with it the last time, amazing combination.
We also stopped by Tala's quilt shop in the Heritage State Park shops there in North Adams. Loved the selection of fabrics. I have been trying to quilt. I have 2 quilt tops finished. I'm stuck on the binding. When my mother comes down for Easter I'm hoping that she can show me her skills. I'm also working on a watercolor quilt. It's is supposed to look like something like the following but the colors are different more reddish purples like a plum.
We'll see how it works out. I tried piecing it together on the interfacing, but it takes some time to arragne it perfectly.
Lily is getting into something, got to run!
Red Sox 4, Orioles 1
Home opener Tuesday against the Blue Jays. Wish that we were up there.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Red Sox 2, Orioles 1

Rain delay, very cold game. Had fish and chips with my sister at the Wharf Rat. Good times. Her and her friends are staying at the Renaissance on Pratt Street, very posh, down comforters, stacked mini bar, tv in the bathroom and phone. Love it.
Schilling was outstanding, only letting 4 hits and one walk.
Can't beat it. Dumb play of the night, Coco decided to steal 2nd to 3rd and got out. Stupid. Really want to find out who sent him. Most exciting, was bases were loaded and Trot was up to bat. He struck out. Ortiz almost hit a shot out. Looked like it was on it's way out and then landed in the left fielders glove. Oh well. Schilling pitched his 114 outstanding pitchers, then Timlin came in at the top of the 8th and Papelbon closed it. Love that guy. Young too. Millar ended the game with a K. Felt bad about that but still a solid win by the Red Sox.
Veritek had a nice shot out to right for a double. He had a hand in both of the runs that were to score.
Side note: After freezing our doopas off for 7 innings we decided that a chocolate chaud was in order. That hot and comforting concoxtion warmed me up lickity split. I can't believe we waited so long to purchase. Live and learn.
Alright, night night.