But I couldn't watch the game last night. The game started off awesome. Ortiz hit a shot in the first inning, his 12th so far this season, we-re up 2-0, Manny ran and reached up and robbed Damon's ball, Mike Lowell is up to the plate and hits his 3rd homer of the year, it was a replay of the night before, but then it came to an end. There were a few great plays, Loretta caught a liner, Youk jumped up and snagged one, but we couldn't squeek it out. I had a busy stressful day at work, had a list of things to get done last night, it started with folding clothes watching the game and then after that it was laundry, re-potting my new herb garden, potting peppers, finishing the last row of the current quilt I am working on, baking a cake for a birthday next week, (you have to freeze the cakes for a couple of days so they turn out nice and moist), an occasional look at the game to see how Schilling was doing and then a second homerun, Posada, and that was it for me. I saw a little of Holtz and heard that Papelbon was in the game and then I knew the score was 7-3.
I heard a few things about Schilling this morning. He hasn't been the same since his 133 pitch night against the Indians. He can't beat himself up about last night. The ESPN bandwagon says that the Yankees are the most dangerous team offensively and the Red Sox leave something to be desired. So if that's true, and yes the Yankees have a great line-up of stuperstars, then how did we beat up on them the other night? My husband would argue that 6 of those runs were on errors, and yes that may be true, but the score was 14-3. So without those unearned 6, we still would hae beat up on them 8-3. We have Manny, Ortiz, Lowell and since last Thursday has had 9 hits, those being 8 doubles and one homer, Little Papi Pena when he can get his bat up, Youk, Trot… All of them can hit and they did it Tuesday night and we can do it again tonight.
So pick it up boys, the Nation is still behind you, even if we are too anxious to watch, I can listen the tv in the livingroom.
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