Well it's official. I'm a stay at home mother. And as you can tell by the scarcity of posts, life is more hectic than ever and will soon be even more busier with the new addition to our family. This little girl was in a high kill shelter in WV, currently in a foster home in Gaithersburg, MD and of course I had to help! We were looking at pugs, bugs, puggles... But there are so many dogs in need confined to shelters. I've always known this little fact but to see their faces on the computer... We tried adopting another girl named Lily, 2 Lily's in one family, but unfortunately her traumatic beginnings of life caused her to be unsure of little ones. So then I across this cutie. We can't wait. Well hubby can, but I can't and since I run the show... Kidding. We are meeting her on Tuesday and we have a home visit scheduled for Thursday. I hope we pass! I have the baby name book out and searching for a good fit.
In addition to this, we have been looking for apartments in the Woodbridge area, closer to hubby's work, since I resigned from my position to stay at home with darling little Lily. We drove around on Tuesday visiting about 6 or 7 apartment complexes. We are unable to buy due to orders that will be given any moment but Lily is getting older, she needs a bed and her own space. So off we move to a 2 bedroom! Moving is so much fun! I can't wait to pack up everything, unpack it all and then get orders to pack it up again with in 3 months. Sarcasm.
Our Little princess is quickly turning into a Queen. We thought that the terrible two's came and went but now they are back at 19 months. The other day as I was getting dinner ready, I took two tupperware tops away from Lily as she was running around the house with them. She walked away from me, obviously annoyed, then came back with my shoe and proceeded to throw it at shins. An adorable showing of frustration and I had to turn away to conceal a smile and a small laugh. But I had to show my parental authority and marched her into the livingroom for a short timeout to cool off. We are back to watching the Nanny so I learned exactly what to do. The timeout lasted about 30 seconds.
In other news, Lily is becoming quite the little mimic. Her articulation is improving and she is talking up a storm. She can repeat phrases and words like the following, "hey sweetie pie," "you goofball," "you're a crazy girl," "nuts," and my all time favorite, "Jesus Christ." That was a slip on my part, I have slipped twice in front of her and the second time was amazingly quite clear. Lesson learned.
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