Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas has come and gone! *sigh*

Wow.  Where does the time go?  It's bittersweet, really.  You spend all this time in anticipation and then the big day comes and it's over in an instant.  Now I understand why my father would tell us to slow down and attempt to take "breaks" for coffee refills or even breakfast.  His attempts were futile and within minutes, all the presents would be opened and the paper carelessly tossed on the floor.  It seems like just yesterday it was Black Friday Eve and the hubs and I were trying to decide if we should take naps before our midnight shopping excursion.  We were very organized.  We carefully perused the ads and then made a list of stores and items wanted at those stores. 

It took us 8 hours, 12am to 8am to get all our holiday shopping done.  We started at midnight at the Lee Shops then headed to the Berkshire Mall at 3am to hit Old Navy and Sears and then was outside of Target on-line before the doors opened at 5am.  Target was a little crazy and scray at the same time.  Some people were literally out of control and angry.  It wasn't pretty but we were able to get the items we wanted and then we were off to Joanne's at 6am and then Dick's and finally Home Depot.  Phew, what a lifesaver.  With all the holiday cookie baking, fudge making, cleaning to get the house presentable, and cooking of Christmas dinner, and then all the birthday parties before Christmas and Christmas parties to attend, who has time to shop for presents?  And honestly, who really has the money?  Yes we strive to get that perfect gift or two, try to set limits, but it can be an impossible feat.  In this economic climate we should all be saving for an uncertain future, but if we don't spend, the economy sinks further.  It's a no-win situation.  But on a brighter note, what a wonderful time of year.  People are happier and brighter despite the long, dark and cold days. 

As the New Year approaches, literally in just a couple of days, we start to think about possible resolutions.  I've pondered a couple.  Loose that 5 pounds.  Well I could do it in a week if I really wanted to!  Cut out sugar.  Quite impossible.  Again, I could do it for a week but I would fall off the wagon.  But maybe I should focus more on others like working on being more patient.  Or stick with last year's, finish unfinished projects.  What can I say?  I am a busy mother of two.  Well maybe four, if you add in a husband and a dog.  Technically speaking, I did start back to school this year.  I have taken 7 out of 8 pre-requisite courses for an accelerated nursing program.  There was no time for scrapbooking and quilting projects. 

Maybe I should be more thankful and stop taking things for granted.  I had a wonderful child psychology professor this past semester and during one of his lectures something he said just hit home with me.  He said if you think you are having a bad day, park outside the oncology department at the hospital and watch the people struggling in and out of the entrance.  "Those people, my friends, are much worse off."  And it's true.  Things can always be worse.  Appreciate the family and friends in your life more and stop taking those relationships for granted.  But of course, that should be a lifelong resolution.  

In the short term, I think finish unfinished projects again.  I have a plastic bin of quilting fabric and another of scrapbooking supplies.  My goal for the next couple of months is to at least finish the scrapbooking and get to the point where I can do current events.  I am registered for 2 class for the Spring semester.  Nursing school starts in May, if I am accepted.  I have a lot to do in 4 months!  Short term goals are always more attainable.  Well usually.  Fingers crossed!

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's been long overdue...

Has it really been two years since my last post?  Miss me???

So last night I was reading back through a couple of posts, and the memories came flooding back.  And my, how I have grown!  To bring you up to speed... I now have three little monsters running around, Lily is now 4, though closing in on 5 in a month, James just had his second birthday and of course our crazy dog Nika.  We have moved 3 times and bought our very first house one year ago.  A cute cape bungalow with a small gorgeous "secret garden" like yard.   I was going to start a blog about decorating the house, then I was going to start a blog about our exterior painting adventures but then I realized, I already had a perfectly nice blog and I would just add to it.  So that's what I'm doing!  So exciting!  I'm still as unfocused as ever, dabbling in gardening, quilting projects, scrapbooking, decorating, organizing, designing a wardrobe space...  I already know what you are thinking, I'll admit it, I am a domestic goddess.  ha!  In addition to my domestic duties, I have enrolled in a community college up here in NY and I am taking pre-requisite courses for an accelerated 3 semester nursing program.  I have 7 classes completed, one more to go in the spring and I have already applied to the University.  I should learn of my fate by February.  Also in the mix, another possible relocation to either Plattsburgh, 5 hours North or Poughkeepsie 3 hours South.  Ah, military life!

So... I invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy some light reading about my daily adventures!