Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Puppy Training 4:15 a.m. 9/12/06

Note the time that I began this post.

So hubby and I were reading some puppy training material about the importance of crate training, especially at night and random times during the day so that the puppy doesn't associate you being gone and her going into her crate. It also suggests that for the first few weeks, before the puppy completely earns your trust to wander around your home, to leave the puppy on a leash at all times in the house. The puppy learns to lay quietly next you and you can watch the puppy carefully to quickly learn the dogs cues for going to the bathroom and it keeps the puppy out of trouble. The puppy can't wander into another room and tear into your closet while you are zoning in front of the television.

So at 3:43 a.m., I feel a tug on the leash and hear an excited yawning pup sretching out and abruptedly jumping to her feet, on our bed, yes, golden crate training rule number 1 broken, but yes, I did have her on a leash for above said moments. I was prepared. This was her second night sharing with us our Queen sized, Searly Posterpedic pillow top delux, wicked comfortable bed, and of course, Lily joined the party that night as well. Full house. I told hubby that we were going to need a King. But what I was unprepared for is the following...

The moment we leave the apartment, my eyes glued shut from amazingly bright hallway lights, Nika begins to squat. "NO, NO, NO!!!" My sense of urgency to drag her out the door still squating was no match for her sense of urgency not to defecate on the hallway rug under the bright lights. Finally we reach the outside grass and it's more squating for another 10 minutes. Nika's struggling, I feel horrible, the ordeal is over, let's go back into the apartment.

I open up the door to the building, HORROR, runny puppy sh@& has been dripped from our door to the outside door. I'm panicking now because I have to get this cleaned up before 1. someone sees it; 2. before someone who works here sees it; 3. before it sets into the new rug that they installed. Did I mention that Nika is to remain undetected until our move to Dale City in the next 2 weeks. Oh, yes.

I ran into the kitchen looking for the Clorox Cleanup wipes. Damn there are only two. They will have to suffice. Run out to the hallway and start picking up as fast as I can. Not enough. Run back inside. Grab an old towel, begin to slice and rip into rags. Fill up Clorex Cleanup wipe container with hot water and found carpet cleaner under the sink, sent from God. Run back out to hallway. Scrub like the dickens.

Now I look at my work. I have 9 to 10 huge wet spots in the hallway. I need to dry some of this up or something. Run back inside and grab another old towel. By the way, before the puppy came into our lives, I was about to throw the towels away or give them up to the Salvation Army. They are perfectly fine towels, we just have about 30 from years of Christmas presents.
At this moment, I am grateful for having these towels. I run back out. Trying desperately to dry up the spots as good as I could so that they would dry before an employee walks through the hallway later in the morning.

Hopefully mission accomplished. I have an eye appointment tomorrow morning and will be leaving here at 6:45 a.m. Umm, 2 hours from now. Keep your fingers crossed. What a nightmare.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fast Friends!

Here's Lily with her new sister Nika!

Our daughter, the genious

So Lily is 19 months, going on 20 in 16 days. She can count to 10. Yes folks, won, doo, twee, for, fy, se, set, eight, nigh, den. I will be honest, she might skip 6 or 7 but quickly catches herself and finishes the count. Rememer in July she was singing the entire Happy Birthday tune?

Her favorite numbers are of course, the first 3, which she repeats over and over again before she "jumps." Her jump right now is still a skip but on this afternoon's walk in Cameron Run, she lifted both feet and landed like a long jumper. Definitely going to have her try out for track and field events later in life.

New Arrival!

Our new baby has arrived! We picked Nika up from her foster home in Gaithersburg, MD on Saturday morning. She is a perfect fit and I can honestly say that I have not seen one negative trait. Well, maybe the snoring. We might have to get that checked out but it is so cute! She's pee'd in the apartment twice so far. So far so good!

Saturday was a busy day. We took a walk through Old Town and to our delightful surprise, King Street was blocked off and turned into an open art gallery/show. I was so inspired. I just want to get a canvass and splash some color on it! We have convass and frames, I just have to put one together. When I have a spare moment. Quilting has been put on hold at the moment and probably until after Christmas. I'll start working on Christmas gifts in January for Christmas 2008 at the rate I am going.

We watched my neice and nephew this weekend Sunday we woke up and went to Huntley Meadows for a 2 hour excursion.

Nika ran in the lead, followed closely by Lily. She may be a marathon runner. She didn't stop. Here was Nika after the first hour. She was exhausted. We'll whip her into shape in no time!

My little sister

At the Red Sox/Yankees 2006 Boston Massacre. What a nuthouse the bleachers were that hot Saturday afternoon. A lot can be said about that day, but I will remember the details foundly to myself, and just say one thing, despite everything, Alyssa and I are still best of friends and of course, sisters. Hey, we're family.

See, we're still friends... Love her!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Stay at Home

Well it's official. I'm a stay at home mother. And as you can tell by the scarcity of posts, life is more hectic than ever and will soon be even more busier with the new addition to our family. This little girl was in a high kill shelter in WV, currently in a foster home in Gaithersburg, MD and of course I had to help! We were looking at pugs, bugs, puggles... But there are so many dogs in need confined to shelters. I've always known this little fact but to see their faces on the computer... We tried adopting another girl named Lily, 2 Lily's in one family, but unfortunately her traumatic beginnings of life caused her to be unsure of little ones. So then I across this cutie. We can't wait. Well hubby can, but I can't and since I run the show... Kidding. We are meeting her on Tuesday and we have a home visit scheduled for Thursday. I hope we pass! I have the baby name book out and searching for a good fit.

In addition to this, we have been looking for apartments in the Woodbridge area, closer to hubby's work, since I resigned from my position to stay at home with darling little Lily. We drove around on Tuesday visiting about 6 or 7 apartment complexes. We are unable to buy due to orders that will be given any moment but Lily is getting older, she needs a bed and her own space. So off we move to a 2 bedroom! Moving is so much fun! I can't wait to pack up everything, unpack it all and then get orders to pack it up again with in 3 months. Sarcasm.

Our Little princess is quickly turning into a Queen. We thought that the terrible two's came and went but now they are back at 19 months. The other day as I was getting dinner ready, I took two tupperware tops away from Lily as she was running around the house with them. She walked away from me, obviously annoyed, then came back with my shoe and proceeded to throw it at shins. An adorable showing of frustration and I had to turn away to conceal a smile and a small laugh. But I had to show my parental authority and marched her into the livingroom for a short timeout to cool off. We are back to watching the Nanny so I learned exactly what to do. The timeout lasted about 30 seconds.

In other news, Lily is becoming quite the little mimic. Her articulation is improving and she is talking up a storm. She can repeat phrases and words like the following, "hey sweetie pie," "you goofball," "you're a crazy girl," "nuts," and my all time favorite, "Jesus Christ." That was a slip on my part, I have slipped twice in front of her and the second time was amazingly quite clear. Lesson learned.