Saturday, April 29, 2006
Red Sox 2, Devil Ray 5
Clement started us off giving up a walk, a wild pitch, another walk, a deep double into right, run scores, a single, then a K. We saw a triple from Veritek in the bottom of the 1st, but he was left stranded. 2 nd inning, walk, single, single, K, K, 2 runs score. Top of the 3rd, 3 up, 3 down and we take the field. Bottom of the 3rd, out, out, walk, out. Top of the 4th, Ortiz and Manny both hit by pitches. Hmm. What's up with that? And that's all I could stand.
14 runners left on base last night, disgraceful.
As long as we are getting it out of the system now before the Yankees visit at Fenway.
DiNardo starting tonight. Let's pick up the bats, start swinging and act like we want to win!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Red Sox 3, Indians 15

15 freakin runs. Beckett is taken out in the 4th inning with one more out to go, 9 runs had scored. He gave up 3 homeruns. His ERA of 1.29, with 3 wins and 0 losses, is now 4.50. All this happened in 3 and 2/3 innings. That’s about all I could watch and I let myself drift off to sleep on the couch. I couldn't take it anymore.
Beckett said later, ''Just one of those nights, brutal, brutal, brutal," Beckett said. ''No excuses. You've got to go out and execute pitches. If you don't do that, balls get [whacked] all over the place just like they did."
"I'll tell you what," Francona said, "I love this guy. He competes his (butt) off. There are guys, they compete, they will themselves to be better than other people."We love you to so keep your head up Josh!
After Beckett, Seanez came out, followed by Tavarez. 15 runs on 11 hits. What a night the Indians had. After Beckett, Seanez came out, followed by Tavarez.
Well what can you say, that got their dupas handed to them. ''You run into nights like this," Red Sox manager Terry Francona said, ''when you don't have an answer for anything they're doing."
And that's all it was. A bad night. So we've got the D-Rays for 3 and then a 2 game series with the Yankees at home.
Shake it off and let's get the bats up. Is there anyway that Schilling can pitch every 3rd day?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Santa's workshop!

Email from dad:
I just printed off the picture and I have the dimensions...I will placean order to Sanat's workshop and see if he can put a rush on itforya...I will make it modular so you can break it down...the top is 55" x38"...pretty good size work surface...Would you like a formica worksurface on top?
This is what Santa is making me for Christmas!!! Yeah!!! I need a bigger work space for my quilts.
What are you? I'm strawberry shortcake.
Here are your choices:
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue
4. Vanilla cake with Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate on Chocolate
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake
No, you can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully what your choice will be...............OK - Now that you've made your choice this is what research says about you...
1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE -- Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimesyou need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.
2. BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humour and direction. You tend to be very loyal.
3. LEMON MERINGUE -- Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.
4. VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING -- Fun-loving, sassy, humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.
5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE -- Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return. Intuitively keen. Can be very emotional.
6. CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE -- Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
7. ICE CREAM -- You like sports, whether it be baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.
8. CARROT CAKE -- You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.
4th inning
So far not so good
4 Things
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bus girl then server at the Lenox House, Lenox MA (Just like my big sis!)
2. Intern for the DOE, Child Support Enforcement Division
3. Telemarketer for one day (my birthday was the next day and my friend Sara and I were sitting in offices right across from each other and were hysterically laughing with each call)
4. TTP!
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Swingers
2. The NeverEnding Story
3. Amelie
4. Crash
Four places I have lived:
1. Pittsfield, MA
2. Amherst, MA
3. Oxford, England
4. Alexandria, VA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Sex and the City
2. Number One Single with Lisa Loeb (I don;t know if it is still on, but I > like it too)
3. Jeopardy
4. Scrubs/The Office
Four places I have been on vacation: (I can list only 4?)
1. Ireland
2. San Diego
3. Does the Dominican count as a "vacation"?
4. London/Paris
Four websites I visit regularly:
Four of my favorite foods (just four?):
1. Apple Pie
2. Cottage Cheese
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. I am perfectly content sitting in my bed writing this email right now
Four things I always carry with me:
2. cell phone
3. my calendar
4. water
Four friends/family members who I have tagged that I think will respond:
1. no one
Today's email chatter
Dad starts off with :
Arroyo is 4-0...the Sox made a great deal when they traded Bronson for Willy Mo! Another stellar deal in a long history of bonehead trades...
I disagree:
But Wily hit one out last night. Would have been a great shot if Lowell didn't ground out into a double play. He was struggling at the plate last night. I learned something interesting... We had to suck up Lowell contract in order to get Beckett. It was a package deal. There must not be enough clubs in Cincinnati for Bronson to spin and rap at. He found plenty in Boston to stay out late at and pitch crappy the next day. Maybe he woke up and realized that baseball is now and music can come later. Wasn't Babe Ruth the same way? They would find him passed out drunk outside of bars in Boston so we got rid of him and he became a superstar with the Yankees.
Dad quips:
Interesting thoughts...Lowell actually has a golden glove(s) at third base so defensively he is pretty good...but we miss Mueller's offense and clutch hitting and Coco has not been a factor yet in CF and I liked Millar...I wish they would get rid of Wells...he is weird...I think this is a transition year for the SOX...I think once Theo gets his head screwed on right again he'll figure things out...I guess the Babe drank, smoke and womanized his way to #714...looking at the pictures and old films...he had quite a gut...but imagine if he took steroids instead of all that other stuff...he may have hit 1,014...
Dad says:
He is pretty slick over there at third...but the Sox are having trouble scoring runs...they have only scored two earned runs in Wakefield has been on the mound during his last four starts...poor Wake...he's 1-4...last night the catcher had four passed balls...another dumb move...can we get Mirebelli back from the Dodgers???
I say:
Mirabelli said that it took him 2 years to figure out how to catch for him. Who decided it was time to get a new guy in there to take another 2 years to figure it out?
Dad replies with:
Not sure about that one...for some reason they elected not to re-sign Mirabelli...I mean he didn't hit for a high average but he did have some pop in his bat and he caught Wake very well...he only had 6 PB's all last year...this guy has 9 already! Real problem right now though is lack of offense...nobody is really hitting for average...and that he has a big contract...his numbers are way down...we'll have to give it a little time...but I see problems down the road...
Red Sox 1, Indians 7
The thing with Josh Bard is this. It takes a considerable amount of time to get used to catching a nuckleballer. I get it and I sympathize. But then Tavarez gets up to pitch and he still has trouble catching his ball. Yeah it could be that he was used to the 68 mile an hour knuckle fast ball and then all of a sudden a 90 mph fast ball is thrown at him. Heck I would bobble the ball. It's frustrating. But you can't blame a loss on passed balls. The reason that they lost the game is b/c they didn't hit the ball.
So let's get on it boys, swing the bats and get some hits. I'll be watching and reading Beckett on Gamecast. We don't have HDTV yet. Maybe soon though. Our color tube blew and were watching tv through a rainbow telescope!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Birthday win
On the edge of my computer seat excitement for me as I strained to watch Gamecast and waited ever so patiently for the updates.
After 133 pitches in the 7th inning, Schilling was relieved of his duties as the game was tied up, 5-5. 133 picthes. Yikes. Only Pedro Martinez topped that with 136 pitches in Red Sox history. He then was on the Dl with a strained shoulder a few weeks later. So what to do. One batter away from the end of the 7th, 133 pitches, game ties up, Francona decides to pull him… Cleveland is a great hitting team and Schilling did a fantastic job keeping the hits at bay. It was now up to the Sox Offense to finish it off. Thanks to Ortiz being intentionally walked, Manny hit one out in Centerfield, 3 run shot. And the boys won it for my birthday 8-6. Record now is 13-7.
Wakefield is starting tonight. 7pm and finally the game is on ESPN. Yeah!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
What a Day!
Several oddities occurred throughout the day where people joked with me about being 29 forever, 29 for the second time, wink wink. No seriously, I'm 29. 10 emails, 4 email Hallmark cards and 2 Monk emails, 6 or 7 phone calls later, I am feeling well loved. I took my time at lunch. Stopped for a Green Tea Serenity Smoothie from Robek's and I was almost ready to go back to work. Then at 3:48pm an email was sent that cake was to be served in a conference room in honor of my birthday. What? Incredible. People do like me. We gave up monthly unit birthday celebrations due to lack of participation, It was so bad that the birthday girls and boys weren't showing up for their own cake. So to have a cake just for me, very special. And it wasn't just your standard, run-of-the-mill triple decker birthday cake from Giant or Safeway, but 2 delectable creations from Whole Foods, a chocolate covered cheesecake and a fruit tarte. I felt like a Queen!
I came home to my husband and daughter out on the patio waiting for me. Lily was adorable in her jean skirt. We walked to the new Italian restaurant that opened down the street and had a lovely meal. Lily held it together except for a little cry session due to a stomach ache, not her fault, and she was able to regain composure and return to the table all smiles.
In all in all it was a beautiful day. One last Happy Birthday to me until next year! (oh Christ, game is tied up 5-5... please please please for my birthday Schilling, for my 29th birthday!)
Monday, April 24, 2006
I am turning 29 tomorrow. The last year of my roaring twenties. I sent an email to my sister the other day, I guess unintentionally reminding her. She wrote back, "Dude, haven't you watched Sex in the City? 30's are the new 20's." Hmm, interesting. Sex in the City. A witty tale about fabulously beautiful women, in their 30's and 40's, living the fabulous life in New York City, in their fabulous shoes, fabulous clothes, fabulous bodies...
Yeah I'm 29, I don't feel like I am that close to 30, but I'm not getting any younger. My poor neice who is 9, is afraid to grow up. Rightly so.
I remember distinctively a night 6 years ago when I went to a Dave Matthews concert. I was 23 and our seats were next to a group of 17 and 18 year olds, an obnoxious group of 17 and 18 year olds. One kid said to me, "How old are you?" I said 23. He continued with, "Don't you think that you are too old to be going to see Dave? Yeah so you'll be going to Dave shows when you are 50." They all laughed thinking he was hysterical. I couldn't believe that little puke head called me old. He's probably 23 or 24 now, I wonder if he is still going to Dave shows. And for the record, I have seen Dave 3 times after that and will be going this summer to Saratoga Springs with my cousins to see him again. So there.
Well, 29 isn't all that bad. With age, comes wisdom right? And I'm married to a wonderful man and we have a beautiful daughter and I wouldn't change a thing for the world.
Happy 29th Birthday to me tomorrow!
Last Weekend's baseball
Schilling, Foulke and Papelbon were outstanding, Clement, Beckett and DiNardo struggled with 10 hits and 7 runs in 3 innings. Yikes. But on the birght side, Manny rose from wherever he went, his winter slumber and cracked out 2 homeruns.
Let's focus on yesterday afternoon's win shall we? Ortiz, 2 run homerun in the first, then laid down a bunt for a single in the 6th inning. They had the Ortz shift going and he caught everyone off guard. Papi could have gotten up there with his huge homerun swings but he plays for the team, not himself. 8 and counting homeruns this season, Ortiz sees what he is up against and he lays down a bunt to get the single. Outstanding.
So we are 12-7.
Not bad, not bad at all. Day off today and then tomorrow, my birthday, Schilling starts the series off against Cleveland.
Friday, April 21, 2006
8th Inning
Manny just hit another homerun
Today's Family Email Exchange
Before I get started, Manny and Ortiz in the 3rd inning hit back to back homeruns against the Blue Jays and Millar just just hit a single off of Wang with 2 RBI's. The Orioles are in the race and not letting up!!! 5-4 Baltimore. Vertitek just homered to right. YEAH! 4-2 Boston OhmyGod bases loaded walk, Baltimore is up 6-4. My head is spinning. Focus.
I received a fun email from my friend Meg and sent it out to my friends and family to see who would respond. I knew my dad would and he always has interesting responses. I couldn't wait to read it. Here's what he wrote:

Four jobs I have had in my life:
First of all I have had over 22 jobs...probably can't remember some ofthem...Berkshire Eagle paper boy, Guitan Reality lawn mowing, BerkshireMedical Center kitchen, Crescent Creamery, college cafeteria, Searswarehouse (Brookline), Orpeus Ascending (bartender), Kemps Hamburgs(Boston), Cleveland Circle Pharmacy (Brighton), Carr Hardware, HowardJohnsons restaurant, GE (never actually started), Culligan WaterConditioning, MRM Machine and Tool (with Grampa) wonderful experience,Casey Contruction, Raynors Bearings, Shaeffer Eaton, Tog Mold, RareEarth Florists, Bousquets Ski Area, City of Pittsfield, Adams-CheshireRegional School District and Sears again.
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Jeramiah Johnson
2. Rocky series
3. Superman series
4. Pretty Woman
Four places I have lived:
1. North Adams, MA
2. Clarksburg, MA
3. Pittsfield, MA
4. Boston, MA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. King of Queens
2. History and Discovery Channels
3. Wheel of Fortune
4. All sports, baseball, basketball, football, golf, tennis, you name itI flick...
Four places I have been on vacation: (I can list only 4?)
1. Ireland
2. Disney World
3. Cape Cod (Favorate place)
4. Dominican Republic
Four websites I visit regularly:
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Irish stew
2. Pasta figioli
3. Steak on the barbie
4. Tricuts Rye
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Back in 1985 when my family was intact, kids were little and my Dad was still alive.
2. In my cottage on the Cape, watching the waves crash out the window,working on a woodworking project.
3. Hawaii
4. Or any beach, 80 degrees, slight breeze, wicked sunny
Four things I always carry with me:
1. Cell phone
2. Pics of kids
3. Good luck charm
4. Wallet
Four friends/family members who I have tagged that I think will respond:
1. Sister Maryann
2. Lis
3. John won't
4. ????
Here are my responses:
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bus girl then server at the Lenox House, Lenox MA
2. UMass Alumni Fund telemarketer
3. Server then Dining Room Manager at the Red Lion Inn, Stockbridge MA
4. Legal Assistant for US Attorney's Office, Alexandria, VA
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Good Will Hunting
2. Bridget Jones Diary
3. Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason
4. Pretty Woman
Four places I have lived:
1. Pittsfield, MA
2. Amherst, MA
3. Lenox, MA
4. Alexandria, VA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. 24
2. Number One Single with Lisa Loeb (which I haven't seen in a while, is it still on??)
3. American Idol
4. Any cooking show on Food TV
Four places I have been on vacation: (I can list only 4?)
1. Ireland
2. San Diego/Las Vegas
3. Portugal
4. London/Paris
Four websites I visit regularly:
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mom's chili
2. Sister-in-law's cheesy potatoes
3. Sushi
4.Cadbury Creme Eggs lol
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Traveling around the world
2. In my cottage on the Cape, watching the waves crash out the window, working on my quilts and chasing Lily around.
3. Hawaii
4. Or any beach, 80 degrees, slight breeze, wicked sunny
Four things I always carry with me:
1. cell phone
2. A diaper
3. Chapstick
4. Purse
Four friends/family members who I have tagged that I think will respond:
1. Hopefully my dad
2. Maybe my sister if she takes the time to slow down
3. Definitely Amy is she is bored at work
4. Possibly Marcy if she takes a break in between wedding plans...
Red Sox 1, Devil Rays 5
Ty Wiggington of Tampa Bay was struggling. Tried to tag up and sneak off of third but was picked off by the Nixon/Veritek relay throw. Then in the 9th, he missed 2 balls at 3rd and it was like watching the Red Sox, prior to the World Series win, when the "curse" was in full swing. That would happen to us all the time. So now, the bases were loaded up with one out and Trot gets in the batter's box. He has had 8 grand slams in his career. Striks out. Damn. Golden boy Jason gets up to bat. 2 grand slams in his career. Flies out. Damn.
Blue Jays today! Go get em Beckett!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Red Sox 9, Devil Rays 1
7 runs in the 3rd inning. They were just teeing off on the Devil Rays. Youk is a firestorm, 3 for 4 with 2 RBI's, with a homerun in the first inning. He acknowledges his achievement very humbly, ''We're playing good ball right now. For me, now it's what I'm not doing wrong. I'm trying not to do too much." And that's what the Sox needed. Good player, there for the game, not the spotlight, playing hard and playing for the good of the team. Baseball is back in Boston.
Wakefield is pitching tonight! Keep it up!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Red Sox 7, Tampa Bay 4
These are the major highlights that I have read about the game. Adam Stern dove to catch a heart-stopping, game ending out with bases loaded. The David Ortiz shift was in full effect with 6 players in the outfield, none in the infield.
Manny with a 2-run single, Youk with a 2 out, 2 run double in the 8th. Papelbon with his 7th save.
Now I am really liking the new team! Keep up the good work!
Loretta da Man!
Schilling with the win Friday night. 2-1 in the miserable rain. Schilling barehands a hit up the middle by Ichiro and gets the out. AHHH!!! After 8 innings and 104 pitches, it was time for Paprlbon who ended the game in 13 pitches to 4 batters for I think his fifth save of the year.
Great Job boys!!!
DC Spa Week
Aimee was finished with her 45 minute massage and grabbed a cup of water for me. The dyer was burning my forehead. The spaz came back and took me first. He ran a comb through my hair twice and started to cut. I was thinking to myself, "Usually they at least smooth out my hair. Oh Christ, here comes another bad haircut but this one will be double the price I usually pay at the Hair Cuttery." He never asked me what I wanted. Just looked at me and said, "You are with the best." Oh God…
He cut, snipped, trimmed, evened out, told me that it was a shame that I had gray hair. "What a shame. Too young, way to young." Aimee had left and put more quarters in the meter, stopped for a smoothie and a protein bar. She came back and he was blow drying my hair with his hands. He never used a brush. I looked like a million bucks. Aimee left again and then he had me under the dyers again with velco rollers perfectly postioned in my hair. I don't know how they stayed, I've tried using them before.
Then the final unveiling. He put me in another chair b/c while I was under the dyer, the girl who was shampooed at the same time as me was finally getting her haircut. She had sat there under the dyers with the deep conditioning goop the entire time he was cutting, drying and rolling my hair. Okay, so the final unveiling was done and I looked amazing. Movie start quality. Aimee's eyes lit up, everyone in the salon stopped what they were doing, turned to see who was sitting in that chair. The entire salon erupted in clapping and cheers, "Bravo! Bravo!"
Well it didn't and that way but Aimee did say that it looked nice, I felt like a million bucks and I can't get my hair to go back the way that it was. It's always like that. Ugh
Friday, April 14, 2006
Red Sox 6, Blue Jays 8
Disappointing loss but we are still early in the season and working it out.
So tonight we have Seattle with Schilling pitching. Should be a better outcome. Go Sox!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I'm completely and utterly freakin out right now.
Red Sox 4, Blue Jays 8
Mohr, Wily, Ortiz and Lowell had some hits, enough to scorre 4 runs, but that wasn't enough. Manny seems to be in some kind of slump. He should be able to shake that off soon. Loretta and Gonzalez are looking good out there and Youk. I'm liking the team. Brandnew team, it's going to take a few games to mesh. There's something missing there though out in the field. I miss Millar and I think that he is the missing piece of the puzzle.
But the show must go on.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wells is pitching
Home Opener
Josh Beckett with his first pitching experience at Fenway Park. What a rush. 36 picthes in the first inning. Yikes. I wasn't able to get to Boston for the opener but you can be assured that I had ESPN Gamesast on my desktop. I saw the glowing red dots moves across the bases, then another walk, one scored. AHHH!!! Bottom of the second, Lowell, Stern and Youlilis all doubled, 4 runs came in and then Ortix hit a shot to right giving us 5. Fouklke came in at the top of the 8th and then Papelbon relieved him at the top of the 9th and we had ourselves an exciting home opener!
During the family email exchange during the morning we were talking about the Home Opener and Fenway park undergoing some renavation. My dad writes, "I'll be there next year opening day!" I write back, "How, do you have tickets?" He responds, "Not yet, but I will."
Been reading about the EMC club with the white tablecloths, seared ahi tuna for 32 bucks and waiters that will not only serve you pinot grigio but t-shirts and hats too. What kind of crap is that? What is a baseball game without peanuts and greasy hotdogs and beer spilled on you? Fancy white tablecloths for $275 a game? Ridiculus. They need to open up that space so more real fans of baseball can get into Fenway.
Monday, April 10, 2006
"This is my house."

Ortiz baby! Another 4 years! Outstanding guy. Loves Fenway, loves the game, should have been the 2005 MVP.
In other news, Coco fractured his finger on that crazy steal attempt. Still trying to figure out who sent him. He'll have a splint for 10 days and then see how long it will heal. Great. Adam Stern will be covering.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny came to our apartment complex this morning for the kids. Hiding eggs and taking pictures. Lily was so cute, running around, grabbing eggs and putting them in her basket. 14 months, well now 14 and a half months. She's growing up so fast. She was a little shy around all of the other kids. She didn't want to be in the group picture and hid in between my legs.
Next weekend is Easter Sunday. Time is flying by, April is already here. This month is my birthday month, turning a huge 29, HUGE! I can't believe it. Anyway, mom will be driving down for the weekend so that will be nice. Hopefully we will be able to get up to Massachusetts for Mother's Day weekend.
My cousin's coffee shop is doing well, Cup and Saucer on Main Street in North Adams. The last time we were up there we cleaned his windows for lunch. Awesome sandwiches, my favorite, which I have had everytime I have been in there is roastbeef on toasted foccacia, provolone cheese, shaved red onion, wild mushroom pesto. Tried the lobster bisque with it the last time, amazing combination.
We also stopped by Tala's quilt shop in the Heritage State Park shops there in North Adams. Loved the selection of fabrics. I have been trying to quilt. I have 2 quilt tops finished. I'm stuck on the binding. When my mother comes down for Easter I'm hoping that she can show me her skills. I'm also working on a watercolor quilt. It's is supposed to look like something like the following but the colors are different more reddish purples like a plum.
We'll see how it works out. I tried piecing it together on the interfacing, but it takes some time to arragne it perfectly.
Lily is getting into something, got to run!
Red Sox 4, Orioles 1
Home opener Tuesday against the Blue Jays. Wish that we were up there.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Red Sox 2, Orioles 1

Rain delay, very cold game. Had fish and chips with my sister at the Wharf Rat. Good times. Her and her friends are staying at the Renaissance on Pratt Street, very posh, down comforters, stacked mini bar, tv in the bathroom and phone. Love it.
Schilling was outstanding, only letting 4 hits and one walk.
Can't beat it. Dumb play of the night, Coco decided to steal 2nd to 3rd and got out. Stupid. Really want to find out who sent him. Most exciting, was bases were loaded and Trot was up to bat. He struck out. Ortiz almost hit a shot out. Looked like it was on it's way out and then landed in the left fielders glove. Oh well. Schilling pitched his 114 outstanding pitchers, then Timlin came in at the top of the 8th and Papelbon closed it. Love that guy. Young too. Millar ended the game with a K. Felt bad about that but still a solid win by the Red Sox.
Veritek had a nice shot out to right for a double. He had a hand in both of the runs that were to score.
Side note: After freezing our doopas off for 7 innings we decided that a chocolate chaud was in order. That hot and comforting concoxtion warmed me up lickity split. I can't believe we waited so long to purchase. Live and learn.
Alright, night night.
Red Sox 14, Orioles 8
In other news, both the Tigers and the Brewers are both undefeated...
We'll see you guys in a few hours. Driving up to B-more to see the game at 4:35. Hope the rain holds out. Not lookin to good. We'll head up there anyway to have a late lunch with my sister and her friends. They followed Matt Clement and Coco Crisp to the Inner Harbor and bought them some Budlights. lol They are staying at the same hotel that the team is staying at in Baltimore.
Good luck girls!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Baltimore this weekend
We'll be going to the game tomorrow afternoon 4:35! I can't wait. Red Sox and Orioles are tied for first place in the AL east. I know, I know, there has only been 3 games...
It will be interesting to see how Kevin Millar will do. First match up with him in another uniform. I was sad to see him go.
Matt Clement starting tonight!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
We will never forget
September 11th is a day in every American's life that will always be remembered. Everyone, somehow or through someone was affected. I remember that day very clearly. I was in Las Vegas, by myself in a hotel room when I found out. I had rose fairly early that morning and went for a run. I watched the sun rise, and the haze burn away and it was a very clear, beautiful morning in Nevada. When I came back into the room I turned on the television and poured myself a glass of water. I wasn't facing the tv and I heard Katie Curic's voice of the today show, "What you are seeing right now, is smoke and fire billowing out of a tower in the World Trade Center. This is real." I ran to the front of the television and just stood there in horror. Panic set in and I started calling whoever I could reach. Anyone.
Mr. Giuliana was eating breakfast with two of his good friends when the news reached the table. Rudy stood up, said good-bye and got into his van and rushed down to the World Trade Center, the most historic parts of the city, where the city orginated from, where the first Capital of the United States was and where President George Washington was sworn in. Before getting in the van, the mayor looked up at the clear blue New York sky and said, "The sky is too clear for an accident." He couldn't believe what the Police Commisioner had told him, that people were diving and jumping out of the buildings, until he saw it himself. He said he watched 2 people appear to be holding hands and jump out of the burning building ultimately falling to their death. The North tower was struck first followed by the South Tower. When the second plane hit the South Tower, Rudy Giuliani said, "This was war. This was a battle."
It was now certain in everyone's minds that this was no freak accident, that this was an attack, the United States was under attack. September 11th was the deadliest attack on Americans on American soil ever. Almost 3000 men, woman, children, the youngest was 2 and a half on flight 93, lost their lives. A few minutes later, the speculation that it was Al Queda, an Islamic militant jihad group had carried out this attack was confirmed and Osama bin Laden was on everyone's minds. The days and weeks that followed were hazy and the pieces of the puzzle of who hijacked the planes were, where they came from, how long that they had planned this attack and where they trained to carry it out began to be pieced together, all the while thousands of stories emerged.
When I was in Las Vegas watching everything on tv in my hotel room, I never dreamed that I would be a part of the team that would bring Moussaui to trial. When I started at the new job, I sifted through thousands of pictures and read hundreds of letters from families victimized by the tragic events of September 11th.
A fireman was standing outside of one of the towers and one of his fellow firefighters that was standing beside him was killed by a person who had jumped.
A husband lost his wife when one of the towers collapsed. She was a police woman and there are pictures of her carrying burned and bloody bodies out of the tower. She went back in and that's when the tower collapsed.
On September 10th, a father went into his 16 year old son's bedroom to hug and kiss him goodnight, which he did faithfully everynight. This night however, his son stuck out his hand. "I am a man now dad." His father said to him, "I will hug and kiss you everynight for the rest of my life." His father, a NYC fireman died the next morning.
A flight attendant on Flight 93 called home and left a message on the answering machine, "I'm on a plane that has been hijcked...I hope that I get to see your face again baby. take care of my kids for me. I love you baby."
A office worker on the 80th something floor of one of the towers, Emily Doye, called 911. She described how the floor was engulfed and they couldn't see anything but smoke. They were choking. "I'm going to die, aren't I?"
A friend of mine from college, her mother was working underneath the World Trade Center. She had heard the news and called her mother to see if she was safe. "Mom get out of the building. You have to get out of the building." They were telling everyone to stay in their office, never dreaming that the towers would collapse. The debris and people falling from the builings was dangerous.
That same friend described to me the mass exodus of people walking from Manhattan, over the bridges, as far away as they could go. Mass transit had stopped, it was like time had stopped.
And today, in that courtroom, all those awful memories, the deepest emotional wounds, were felt again. The same emotions, anger and fear...
We will never forget.
Congratulations Josh Beckett!
On your winning Red Sox debut! Nice homer Trot driving in those 2 runs! Next stop Baltimore and we will all be there! YEAH!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
''Johnny Pesky?"
Yikes! 3 passed balls, 7 hits and 7 runs, 3 and 2/3 innings. Wakefield we have faith in you. It's early, new catcher to deal with those crazy knuckleballs, working the kinks out. Still early. But this higher score make me a little nervous. Calm down, take a breath, it's only the second game of the season. Plenty of time.
Coco Crisp has his bat going and of course Ortiz, as soon as the others follow suite, we'll be right on track...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Off to a Great Start!!!
Hats off to boys! Schilling's looking good, feeling great, throwing hard and fast. Ortiz is still cracking them out, Veritek, always in the game, selfless and playing hard for the team. Can't beat it. Coco Crisp, outstanding catch out in center field. Loretta at second base and he has his bat swinging away. We got our selves a fantastic looking team this year folks.
Look out Yankees, we got ourselves a bullpen folks! Schilling, Wakefield, Papelbon, Foulke!!! They are hungry!
''This," Jason Varitek said of Schilling's rather astonishing day (7 IP, 5 H, 2 R, 1 BB, 5 K's, 1 HR), ''will stop a lot of questions. Curt set the tone for us, big-time."
I'm feelin' it! Looking forward to another outstanding year of Red Sox baseball!!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
"I forgot...its opening day...went to two opening days 1969 and one of them Sox beat Yankees 8-3...Yaz homered, Hawk Harrelson homered and the real Boomer George Scott (not Wells) had shirts in the right field bleachers and plenty of was special...things were a little fuzzy the next AM but hey it was worth it...never thought that would be the last opening day I attended...when you are 19 you figure it will be an every year event!
Lots of new players...lots of question marks...on paper looks like a slightly better team...defensively up the middle and with more speed...especially the look Red Sox...but Yankees have the bats and will score a lot of runs...I still think it comes down to Red Sox-Yankees in the division...Toronto has improved but still not good enough...whether or not the second place team record will be good enough to win the wild card is another story...we'll see if Theo is a genius or something else...the new chant will be GO COCO CRISPY! Sounds like a cereal I (we) used to eat..."
Eulogy for our Grampa
As the youngest child of Irish immigrants, Grampy grew up with his eight siblings in Worcester, MA. In keeping with family tradition, he found his Irish bride, Muriel Foley, and was wed on May 31, 1941. It wasn’t long after that he was called to serve his country in WWII. When the war was finally over, Grampy came back to serve his family.
Grampy was an amazing husband. No matter how many times a day Grammy hollered “Jeddd” he’d be right by her side. From chauffeuring her around town to purchasing her Chiklets in bulk, Grampy never lost patience for his loving wife, and mother of his children. When there was finally an empty nest, Grammy and the kids started whispering about getting a dog. And it happened, Grammy got a little poodle, Whisper Willy. Though he would never admit it, Grampy kept Whisper in line with some swift “loving” kicks.
He was a die hard Notre Dame fan, and went to every football game he could. If he wasn’t there he was glued to the TV watching the games faithfully. If he couldn’t watch it, he was taping it. If there wasn’t a game on then he was enthralled in the words of the Blue and Gold. He just loved Notre Dame football.
With the dawning of a new generation, we made sure to visit with our grandparents. No week could begin without gathering at Grammy and Grampy’s for bagels and donuts. Over the course of several hours, the adults would exchange stories about the week’s events, while we would entertain ourselves with various activities including performing as a Billy Joel cover band, playing White Fang- our own version of house and joining the numerous Alyssa led clubs on the stairs as long as we didn’t forget to pay her our dues.
But no Sunday was complete until we had formed a single file line in front of Grampy to play “The Game.” We’d shove. We’d push. We’d pinch. We’d fight for our spot in line. Only to have him solve the conflict with a simple youngest to oldest rule. He’d take his bag of pretzel fishies behind his back, put a fishie in one of his hands and hold out his closed fists for us to choose the right one. Poor Danny always got a slap in the face when he got it wrong while the rest of us girls would get the “I got your nose!” After the game, whether we won or lost, there was always a prize. Either a box of cracker jacks or a box of animal crackers. It’s remarkable that such a simple game led by Grampy was such a significant part of our week and childhood.
Years later, Grampy was our personal tour guide when we took our trip to Ireland. We enjoyed our time traveling along the eastern and southern coasts of Ireland. We even had the opportunity to see the home of his parents, our great-grandparents, in Lismore of County Waterford.
We all shared our personal memories with Grampy. Whether it be when he bought fish and chips for dinner, cracked our knuckles till we would yell so loud that Grammy would reprimand him in the background, or when he’d scrutinize our report cards and then reach for his wallet. Grampy enjoyed hearing about Tricia’s St.Joe basketball games and then raving about her. Grampy even came to the rescue when John and Shawn decided to venture out into the real world and essentially run away with saltines in their packs. Jay and Daniel caught Grampy on his own adventure, which they are able to prove on video. They drove behind him at a good distance to stay hidden from his view, and followed him through the streets of Dalton. They zoomed in on his every move. With his cap on and his hands at ten and two Grampy was sure to stay a steady 5mph under the speed limit. And if it weren’t for the cards he received from Karen for all possible occasions, Grampy wouldn’t have had any mail to enjoy.
Somehow Grampy always had his trusty “little birdy” who kept him in check with all that we were up to. This little birdy even woke him up at 11 o’clock on a friday night after he’d probably already been in bed for three hours to break up a party I had decided to throw at my brand new house. I thought Grampy would never speak to me again, but when I called the next day to apologize, he simply said, “Just don’t let your mother find out.”
Two summers ago, Grampy had the opportunity to visit the newly opened WWII Memorial. Those that were there will never forget the look of pride in his eyes as he looked over the memorial to the war he himself had fought in. By far the oldest soldier there, Grampy exchanged war stories with his fellow vets. And staying true to his country, and ever head strong Grampy stuck to the Atlantic side of the memorial keeping his distance from the Pacific side.
Most recently in the past several years, Grampy enjoyed his companionship with Carolyn. He cherished their rides, dinners, movie times and conversation.
Grampy was a man of few words but always got his point across. He was a creature of habit and day in and day out Grampy never strayed from his routine. Never once would he be late for an event. He was the first to arrive, first to offer his compliments to the chef, and first to get up from the table while saying, “Well, I hate to eat and leave.”
I’m glad I had the opportunity to share some of our fondest memories with you all. Grampy will always have a special place in our hearts and minds, as I’m sure he will in yours. It’s only appropriate to now share with you some of Grampy’s favorite sayings that he used no matter what time of year or day…
Happy 4th of July!
Merry Christmas!
Sweaty hot, not freezing cold!
Beans on toast and chicken under glass!
And of course, Stay out of the hot sun…