Wednesday, May 31, 2006
It was one of Lily's first words and she now knows how to turn on the tv and press the tv/video button to Video 3 so that she can watch her Elmo DVD. She's 16 months.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Why God made Moms --
BRILLIANT Answers given by 2nd grade school childrento the following questions!!
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used biggerparts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly usestring, I think.
Why did God give you Your mother & not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me..
What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goofball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms & dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home & dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your Mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid ofthat.
2. I'd make my Mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did itand not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back ofher head.
BRILLIANT Answers given by 2nd grade school childrento the following questions!!
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used biggerparts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly usestring, I think.
Why did God give you Your mother & not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me..
What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goofball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms & dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home & dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your Mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid ofthat.
2. I'd make my Mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did itand not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back ofher head.
Flashback Family Emails Part 1
My dad started us off with this:
I used to go to work with my Dad...he would bring me into hisworkshop...he was the foreman of the tool room...the head toolmaker...Iwould sit at his bench and listen to the radio and look out the windowover the river...and all the guys would come up to me and say what a bigguy I was and my Dad was a good guy and I looked just like him, etc...Iwas so proud...My grandfather Hinkell after he retired was a guard for the company aswell...sometimes I'd sit in the guard house with my grandfather Hinkellon Saturday mornings at Sprague Electric Co in North was theclock tower that is now the entrance to Mass MoCa...on Marshall St...Iwould make the rounds with him all through the buildings and he wouldpunch his clock (so they knew he was there and everything wassecure)...anyway, then we would all go to a diner somehwere in NorthAdams and I would get an "Eastern" thats a "Western" witthout thepeppers and onions!...or we would go to Jacks Hot Dog stand (which isstill there on Eagle St right around the corner from Danielsplace)...I'd sit between them at the lunch was socool...everybody knew my Dad and my Grandfather...they called mygrandfather "Butch"...then later in life I worked for my Dad...when Ithink was a wonderful time...
From my mother:
Flashback...And if you can believe this...I went to work with my Dad atthe paper mill. I saw the big vat of rags being washed (probably indangerous chemicals) before they made the paper, huge rollers (couldmake gumby's out of all of us) that the rags went in to smooth out forpaper, huge trimmer (like a saw) that cut the paper (and probably a fewfingers).Yep, I remember that and then I went and had a butterscotchsundae. Never knew there was any other flavor besides vanilla andchocolate until that day.
My dad's response:
Fond memories heh...thats nice...I went to your Dad's office at BW get directions to go to Paula and Michaels house in DaleCity...back in 1974...we ended up in Cape May NJ (through no fault ofyour Dad for sure) but it was they say...what a trip thatwas! hahaha Remember when Donny Pelkey got his arm caught in one ofthose rollers? That poor is he anyway?
My brother's response:
I took the trip to the mill as well. Grandpa used to hand out paycheckson Saturday.
From my husband:
I went to work with my dad once when he was a truck driver for somecarpet company in NY and we had a deliver right in downtown Syracuse. Ifelt like I was ontop of the world being up so high and because my dadwipped through the city like Erin does in the Elantra and then trafficwould stop because he would have to back the trailer up to the loadingdock but of course you would think he was backing up a pop up trailer hedid it so smooth.
From Me:
When mom was working at the doctor's office, Alyssa and I wouldsometimes go in with her on Saturdays. Alyssa and I would ransack theoffice supply cabinet for pens and post-its and notepads to play with. I remember working at, well making plant arrangements in the greenhouseat Rare Earth Dalton store, when dad left to make a delivery. He said that he would be right back. It seemed like hours and I got a customerand I had to arrange some flowers for him and ring him up on the cashregister. I guess my hours of watching Barb whip up arrangements paidoff. Alyssa and I would help put water in the flowers pics for funeralarrangements. On Saturdays and Sundays when we went to the shop, Alyssa and I were given $5 to go across the street to Cumberland Farms for asnack. We almost always bought Apple pies and I would find someway toeat most of Alyssa's as well as mine.
From my sister:
Oh my god... Filling up those water picks was the worst. For some reason, we would always use cold water and our poor little fingers would be freezing when we were done. I remember being in the basement of the first Rare Earth shop (the one in Dalton) and hearing the song Love Shack by the B 52s. I used to love how sunny and humid the greenhouse was. I remember a lot about that shop...
The night some boy came in and tried to apply for a job. Mom told him that we didn't need help. He told her that his mom told him not to bother coming home unless he ha a job and then proceeded to fold a flower out of ribbon. Mom had a heart-to-heart with him and finally convinced him to go home.
I used to love how fresh the coolers smelled when you first opened them up.
I remember how rough mom's hands were from handling the roses all the time.
The blue delivery can didn't have any seats in the back. I was sitting in between the two front seats- Dad was driving and Erin was riding in the passenger seat. Dad slammed on the breaks at the top of Mountain Drive. My head hit the radio console and I got a black eye right before the first day of school.
I used to go on deliveries and plant maintenance with Dad to Kimball Farms. He used to give me the water bottle and I would spray off the plants for him. I felt so important when the old-timers talked to me and made a big deal out of me helping my dawd.
Mom came into one of my classrooms in elementary school. She brought all sorts of supplies and we got to plant spider plants. Every kid in my class got to take one home.
I remember the yellow t-shirts we sold during the gulf war and when they were marked down when we went out of business.
I would get off the bus near Brookside Drive and walk down the path towards the back parkign lot of the store. Sometimes it would be muddy and i was always so scraed I was going to slip.
One time, I had pneumonia and went to work with mom. I had my blanket with the satin edging and laid under the desk in that room between the actual store and the flower arranging room.
We all stayed late at the Dalton shop one time preparing flowers for a Firemen's funeral. We had a picture of a badge and made an arrangement that looked exactly like it.
Another time, we cleaned off a rubber plant for hours. It had been at a sub or pizza shop (maybe on Tyler street or West housatonic street?) and was greasy all over. We scrubbed those leaves until they shone.
Dad built this forest scene inside the Pittsfield shop. Complete with trees and a pond with gold fish. (I think they kept slipping inside the lining and dying.)
Hahaha, its funny when you remember those kinds of things- they seem so vivid...
Alyssa also added wich is documented in a photo taken on the first day of school:
The blue delivery can didn't have any seats in the back. I was sitting in between the two front seats- Dad was driving and Erin was riding in the passenger seat. Dad slammed on the breaks at the top of Mountain Drive. My head hit the radio console and I got a black eye right before the first day of school.
My dad's response:
I still have one of those T-Shirts...its in one of my storgae bins! Iremember those things to...that Dalton Fireman deal...I remember was a Friday night and Barb, her husband Dave and theirfriends, the Woods were there pounding down brewski's...something theydid a lot of...anyway, Mom was not there...she went on a trip with Judyand the girls somewhere...we were all a flower shop...with a drunken flower arranger...making arrangements for a Sat AM funeral! hahaha You were the one with the black eye...I thought John was the one...but it was you...thats right Lis...the Jade plant came from Angelina's on Tyler St...good memory...I used biodegradable black bagsto line one of your old little swimimmg pools to make the pool for thegold fish...the bags biodegraded and the water turned ink black..didn't bother the fish though...John helped me clean out the stone when we closed the store...there is a little variety store in there now...I usedthe bathroom in the back a couple of weeks ago as a matter of and I used to play cards in the AM before I went on my deliveries...I run into people all the time who remember that store and they thought I was the delivery boy and Mom was the owner! hahaha
I used to go to work with my Dad...he would bring me into hisworkshop...he was the foreman of the tool room...the head toolmaker...Iwould sit at his bench and listen to the radio and look out the windowover the river...and all the guys would come up to me and say what a bigguy I was and my Dad was a good guy and I looked just like him, etc...Iwas so proud...My grandfather Hinkell after he retired was a guard for the company aswell...sometimes I'd sit in the guard house with my grandfather Hinkellon Saturday mornings at Sprague Electric Co in North was theclock tower that is now the entrance to Mass MoCa...on Marshall St...Iwould make the rounds with him all through the buildings and he wouldpunch his clock (so they knew he was there and everything wassecure)...anyway, then we would all go to a diner somehwere in NorthAdams and I would get an "Eastern" thats a "Western" witthout thepeppers and onions!...or we would go to Jacks Hot Dog stand (which isstill there on Eagle St right around the corner from Danielsplace)...I'd sit between them at the lunch was socool...everybody knew my Dad and my Grandfather...they called mygrandfather "Butch"...then later in life I worked for my Dad...when Ithink was a wonderful time...
From my mother:
Flashback...And if you can believe this...I went to work with my Dad atthe paper mill. I saw the big vat of rags being washed (probably indangerous chemicals) before they made the paper, huge rollers (couldmake gumby's out of all of us) that the rags went in to smooth out forpaper, huge trimmer (like a saw) that cut the paper (and probably a fewfingers).Yep, I remember that and then I went and had a butterscotchsundae. Never knew there was any other flavor besides vanilla andchocolate until that day.
My dad's response:
Fond memories heh...thats nice...I went to your Dad's office at BW get directions to go to Paula and Michaels house in DaleCity...back in 1974...we ended up in Cape May NJ (through no fault ofyour Dad for sure) but it was they say...what a trip thatwas! hahaha Remember when Donny Pelkey got his arm caught in one ofthose rollers? That poor is he anyway?
My brother's response:
I took the trip to the mill as well. Grandpa used to hand out paycheckson Saturday.
From my husband:
I went to work with my dad once when he was a truck driver for somecarpet company in NY and we had a deliver right in downtown Syracuse. Ifelt like I was ontop of the world being up so high and because my dadwipped through the city like Erin does in the Elantra and then trafficwould stop because he would have to back the trailer up to the loadingdock but of course you would think he was backing up a pop up trailer hedid it so smooth.
From Me:
When mom was working at the doctor's office, Alyssa and I wouldsometimes go in with her on Saturdays. Alyssa and I would ransack theoffice supply cabinet for pens and post-its and notepads to play with. I remember working at, well making plant arrangements in the greenhouseat Rare Earth Dalton store, when dad left to make a delivery. He said that he would be right back. It seemed like hours and I got a customerand I had to arrange some flowers for him and ring him up on the cashregister. I guess my hours of watching Barb whip up arrangements paidoff. Alyssa and I would help put water in the flowers pics for funeralarrangements. On Saturdays and Sundays when we went to the shop, Alyssa and I were given $5 to go across the street to Cumberland Farms for asnack. We almost always bought Apple pies and I would find someway toeat most of Alyssa's as well as mine.
From my sister:
Oh my god... Filling up those water picks was the worst. For some reason, we would always use cold water and our poor little fingers would be freezing when we were done. I remember being in the basement of the first Rare Earth shop (the one in Dalton) and hearing the song Love Shack by the B 52s. I used to love how sunny and humid the greenhouse was. I remember a lot about that shop...
The night some boy came in and tried to apply for a job. Mom told him that we didn't need help. He told her that his mom told him not to bother coming home unless he ha a job and then proceeded to fold a flower out of ribbon. Mom had a heart-to-heart with him and finally convinced him to go home.
I used to love how fresh the coolers smelled when you first opened them up.
I remember how rough mom's hands were from handling the roses all the time.
The blue delivery can didn't have any seats in the back. I was sitting in between the two front seats- Dad was driving and Erin was riding in the passenger seat. Dad slammed on the breaks at the top of Mountain Drive. My head hit the radio console and I got a black eye right before the first day of school.
I used to go on deliveries and plant maintenance with Dad to Kimball Farms. He used to give me the water bottle and I would spray off the plants for him. I felt so important when the old-timers talked to me and made a big deal out of me helping my dawd.
Mom came into one of my classrooms in elementary school. She brought all sorts of supplies and we got to plant spider plants. Every kid in my class got to take one home.
I remember the yellow t-shirts we sold during the gulf war and when they were marked down when we went out of business.
I would get off the bus near Brookside Drive and walk down the path towards the back parkign lot of the store. Sometimes it would be muddy and i was always so scraed I was going to slip.
One time, I had pneumonia and went to work with mom. I had my blanket with the satin edging and laid under the desk in that room between the actual store and the flower arranging room.
We all stayed late at the Dalton shop one time preparing flowers for a Firemen's funeral. We had a picture of a badge and made an arrangement that looked exactly like it.
Another time, we cleaned off a rubber plant for hours. It had been at a sub or pizza shop (maybe on Tyler street or West housatonic street?) and was greasy all over. We scrubbed those leaves until they shone.
Dad built this forest scene inside the Pittsfield shop. Complete with trees and a pond with gold fish. (I think they kept slipping inside the lining and dying.)
Hahaha, its funny when you remember those kinds of things- they seem so vivid...
Alyssa also added wich is documented in a photo taken on the first day of school:
The blue delivery can didn't have any seats in the back. I was sitting in between the two front seats- Dad was driving and Erin was riding in the passenger seat. Dad slammed on the breaks at the top of Mountain Drive. My head hit the radio console and I got a black eye right before the first day of school.
My dad's response:
I still have one of those T-Shirts...its in one of my storgae bins! Iremember those things to...that Dalton Fireman deal...I remember was a Friday night and Barb, her husband Dave and theirfriends, the Woods were there pounding down brewski's...something theydid a lot of...anyway, Mom was not there...she went on a trip with Judyand the girls somewhere...we were all a flower shop...with a drunken flower arranger...making arrangements for a Sat AM funeral! hahaha You were the one with the black eye...I thought John was the one...but it was you...thats right Lis...the Jade plant came from Angelina's on Tyler St...good memory...I used biodegradable black bagsto line one of your old little swimimmg pools to make the pool for thegold fish...the bags biodegraded and the water turned ink black..didn't bother the fish though...John helped me clean out the stone when we closed the store...there is a little variety store in there now...I usedthe bathroom in the back a couple of weeks ago as a matter of and I used to play cards in the AM before I went on my deliveries...I run into people all the time who remember that store and they thought I was the delivery boy and Mom was the owner! hahaha
Last week
My brother wrote in one of his emails the other day, LMAO and my dad didn't know what it meant and asked. I had just recently learned what it was a couple months ago when my brother used it, I decided to google it.
So my dad decided to create his own and he's been using them in his emails. Here is what he came up with:
So my dad decided to create his own and he's been using them in his emails. Here is what he came up with:
Friday, May 12, 2006
What a game! Red Sox 5, Evil 3
Filled with mystery, suspense, disappointment, fustration, pain and sorrow.
Before the game, Curt is taken to the hospital by a Yankee representative "to check some out unrelated to baseball." Hmm. First inning, Matsui breaks his wrist with an awful and painful to watch sliding dive. He is walked off the field and taken to the hospital in uniform. Bubba comes running over to left while Bernie Williams takes over in right. And there they went, both powerful teams going back and forth, robbing hits, homeruns. Bubba robbing Lowell of a 2 run homer, Johnny Damon robbing Youk of another homer. All in all 15 runners were left in scoring position for the Red Sox. Joe Torres did a great job of mixing up his arsenal of pitchers and switching them out. Youk had his share of frustrations. In the 7th inning he came up to bat and hit a hard liner to Cano.
''Pretty self-explanatory," he said, when asked what he was thinking at that moment. ''You fail so much. It's a game of failure. To do everything perfect, hit the ball hard, and it's right at him, nothing to show for it."
But he does have something to show for his hard work. With his quick feet, hands and reactions, he has stolen many hits from batters this year. He's amazing at first. Former Red Sox Mike Myers came in to strike Ortiz for a big out. But they didn't have enough. Loretta came up to bat in the 7th and hit a shot to Jeter who through the ball to Miguel on his knees, missing the out and a run scored 4-3. That was the last play that my tired eyes could watch. They eventually got the win after my husband and I feel fast asleep on the couch. The suspense had worn us both out. I woke up at 12:14 and the tv was on and I heard a muffled, "And the Red Sox pulled out a 5 to 3 win over the Yankees." I immediately woke up that instant and wondering if it was a continuation of my dream. My husband confirmed what I had heard as truth.
They did win. Phew.
Before the game, Curt is taken to the hospital by a Yankee representative "to check some out unrelated to baseball." Hmm. First inning, Matsui breaks his wrist with an awful and painful to watch sliding dive. He is walked off the field and taken to the hospital in uniform. Bubba comes running over to left while Bernie Williams takes over in right. And there they went, both powerful teams going back and forth, robbing hits, homeruns. Bubba robbing Lowell of a 2 run homer, Johnny Damon robbing Youk of another homer. All in all 15 runners were left in scoring position for the Red Sox. Joe Torres did a great job of mixing up his arsenal of pitchers and switching them out. Youk had his share of frustrations. In the 7th inning he came up to bat and hit a hard liner to Cano.
''Pretty self-explanatory," he said, when asked what he was thinking at that moment. ''You fail so much. It's a game of failure. To do everything perfect, hit the ball hard, and it's right at him, nothing to show for it."
But he does have something to show for his hard work. With his quick feet, hands and reactions, he has stolen many hits from batters this year. He's amazing at first. Former Red Sox Mike Myers came in to strike Ortiz for a big out. But they didn't have enough. Loretta came up to bat in the 7th and hit a shot to Jeter who through the ball to Miguel on his knees, missing the out and a run scored 4-3. That was the last play that my tired eyes could watch. They eventually got the win after my husband and I feel fast asleep on the couch. The suspense had worn us both out. I woke up at 12:14 and the tv was on and I heard a muffled, "And the Red Sox pulled out a 5 to 3 win over the Yankees." I immediately woke up that instant and wondering if it was a continuation of my dream. My husband confirmed what I had heard as truth.
They did win. Phew.
For Better or for worse Red Sox 3, Evil 7

But I couldn't watch the game last night. The game started off awesome. Ortiz hit a shot in the first inning, his 12th so far this season, we-re up 2-0, Manny ran and reached up and robbed Damon's ball, Mike Lowell is up to the plate and hits his 3rd homer of the year, it was a replay of the night before, but then it came to an end. There were a few great plays, Loretta caught a liner, Youk jumped up and snagged one, but we couldn't squeek it out. I had a busy stressful day at work, had a list of things to get done last night, it started with folding clothes watching the game and then after that it was laundry, re-potting my new herb garden, potting peppers, finishing the last row of the current quilt I am working on, baking a cake for a birthday next week, (you have to freeze the cakes for a couple of days so they turn out nice and moist), an occasional look at the game to see how Schilling was doing and then a second homerun, Posada, and that was it for me. I saw a little of Holtz and heard that Papelbon was in the game and then I knew the score was 7-3.
I heard a few things about Schilling this morning. He hasn't been the same since his 133 pitch night against the Indians. He can't beat himself up about last night. The ESPN bandwagon says that the Yankees are the most dangerous team offensively and the Red Sox leave something to be desired. So if that's true, and yes the Yankees have a great line-up of stuperstars, then how did we beat up on them the other night? My husband would argue that 6 of those runs were on errors, and yes that may be true, but the score was 14-3. So without those unearned 6, we still would hae beat up on them 8-3. We have Manny, Ortiz, Lowell and since last Thursday has had 9 hits, those being 8 doubles and one homer, Little Papi Pena when he can get his bat up, Youk, Trot… All of them can hit and they did it Tuesday night and we can do it again tonight.
So pick it up boys, the Nation is still behind you, even if we are too anxious to watch, I can listen the tv in the livingroom.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Interesting question
From my husband:
Here's an interesting question about the NL and pinch hitting. Say it is either the top or bottomg of the 9th and you are down by a run and your pitcher is one of the next 3 batters, or if the inning goes a little longer and ends up in the batters box are you able to have a pinch hitter?
I said I don't see why not but he would have to pitch if need be but then he said okay so can he pitch to one batter and then pull him for another pitcher?
Well my husband researched the answer.
A starting pitcher may be pinched hit starting in the 5th inning. Hewill be pinch hit for the numbers of runs you are behind, plus half thenumber of runners currently on base, is atleast 4.5 in the 5th, 3.5 inthe 6th, 2 in the 7th, 1 in the 8th or .5 in the 9th or extra innings. Closers are always pinch hit for if they are behind, or tied, exceptthat before the 5th inning relievers are only pinch hit for if at least2 men are on base. If a pitcher is Pinch hit for then you can bring a new pitcher in thenext inning but the PH has to stay in the field at another position. Never thought about it. Baseball is crazy. I was reading the NL scoresheet.
I love the AL!!!
Here's an interesting question about the NL and pinch hitting. Say it is either the top or bottomg of the 9th and you are down by a run and your pitcher is one of the next 3 batters, or if the inning goes a little longer and ends up in the batters box are you able to have a pinch hitter?
I said I don't see why not but he would have to pitch if need be but then he said okay so can he pitch to one batter and then pull him for another pitcher?
Well my husband researched the answer.
A starting pitcher may be pinched hit starting in the 5th inning. Hewill be pinch hit for the numbers of runs you are behind, plus half thenumber of runners currently on base, is atleast 4.5 in the 5th, 3.5 inthe 6th, 2 in the 7th, 1 in the 8th or .5 in the 9th or extra innings. Closers are always pinch hit for if they are behind, or tied, exceptthat before the 5th inning relievers are only pinch hit for if at least2 men are on base. If a pitcher is Pinch hit for then you can bring a new pitcher in thenext inning but the PH has to stay in the field at another position. Never thought about it. Baseball is crazy. I was reading the NL scoresheet.
I love the AL!!!
Before last night's Red Sox game
Big game for the Sox...we'll see what they are made of tonight...its hard for anybody to play much history...the Babe, Yogi Berra,Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Moose Skowron, Joe Dimaggio, Lou Gehrig,Whitey Ford, Bobby Richardson, Clete Boyer, it goes on and manygreat players wore those pin stripes and all their ghosts arethere...haunting us Red Sox fans...of course we have our own ghosts, theYaz, Tony Conigliaro, Luie Tiant, Jose Sanitago, Jim Lonborg, ReggieSmith, Joy Foy, Rico Petrocelli, Mike Andrews, George Boomer Scott,Carlton Fisk, Ted Williams, Jimmy Fox, Bobby Doerr, Dom Dimaggio (Joe'sbrother), the Babe (at one time and of course Cy Young...the greatestpitcher of all time and many more...Go Red Sox...the Nation is with you! hahaha
And we blew them away, 14-3. Can't say that about tonight. Johnny just hit one through the infield and Bernie scored. 3-7. Timlin is warming up.
And we blew them away, 14-3. Can't say that about tonight. Johnny just hit one through the infield and Bernie scored. 3-7. Timlin is warming up.
I just have to share this...
My sister wrote the family an email today...
The Life of a First Year Teacher
By A. Hinkell
I was heating up my potato latkes for my lunch and went to the restroom for 1.5 minutes while they were heating up. Mind you, this is something that I do every single day. I return and the microwave is smoking- I freak out, open the window and sprint back to the room we each lunch in. Call the office and they are like, "Oh it must be the crumbs..." I'm like, "No seriously, the school fire alarm is definitely going to go off." I go back to the room with the microwave, unplug the monstrosity and open the door to air out the room. The school fire alarm starts go off.
Haven't had the experience of a modern-day school fire alarm? Let me describe this for you...
There is a fire alarm attached to the wall about every 8 feet. The alarm itself is is extremely loud and ear-piercing...the kind of noise that makes your heart start racing and gives you the chills. The alarms are, of course, complete with white flashing lights. Every set of doors in the hallways automatically close and lock from the outside. All 750 12-, 13-, and 14-year olds, teachers, administators, custodians, and lunch ladies file out of the building. Outside, it is raining and approximately 50 degrees. We are outside shivering for 12 minutes before we hear any sirens.
When we are finally summoned in, my principal does not look happy. I assume that it is because of me. Although, I am sure some of his annoyance was due to my flaming lunch, he also informs me that he had to call the fire department himself because they were not coming. Our alarm singal was apparently not reaching the station and they would have never come if he didn't call them.
Don't have the pleasure of knowing how kids react when their regular schedule is disrupted?
We return to fifth period, shivering and wet and it takes twice the regular amount of time to get the kdsi refocused. Meanwhile, the 200 kids in first lunch return to the lunch room. A food fight ensues and the 3 adults that monitor the lunchroom are unable to regain control. Numerous kids receive detention and some are suspended. Lunch is extended which means that 5th period, already a longer period (over an hour), is extended for another 15 minutes. During passing time, the kids are outrageous, screaming and pushing each other around. Since then, 2 fights have broken out. A student also threw a desk across the hallway and as it smashed into the lockers, it broke the lockers and cracked in half.
Also, the head of my department is in the building today and all day, I have anticipated being observed last period.
This is, my friends, the life of a first year teacher...
The Life of a First Year Teacher
By A. Hinkell
I was heating up my potato latkes for my lunch and went to the restroom for 1.5 minutes while they were heating up. Mind you, this is something that I do every single day. I return and the microwave is smoking- I freak out, open the window and sprint back to the room we each lunch in. Call the office and they are like, "Oh it must be the crumbs..." I'm like, "No seriously, the school fire alarm is definitely going to go off." I go back to the room with the microwave, unplug the monstrosity and open the door to air out the room. The school fire alarm starts go off.
Haven't had the experience of a modern-day school fire alarm? Let me describe this for you...
There is a fire alarm attached to the wall about every 8 feet. The alarm itself is is extremely loud and ear-piercing...the kind of noise that makes your heart start racing and gives you the chills. The alarms are, of course, complete with white flashing lights. Every set of doors in the hallways automatically close and lock from the outside. All 750 12-, 13-, and 14-year olds, teachers, administators, custodians, and lunch ladies file out of the building. Outside, it is raining and approximately 50 degrees. We are outside shivering for 12 minutes before we hear any sirens.
When we are finally summoned in, my principal does not look happy. I assume that it is because of me. Although, I am sure some of his annoyance was due to my flaming lunch, he also informs me that he had to call the fire department himself because they were not coming. Our alarm singal was apparently not reaching the station and they would have never come if he didn't call them.
Don't have the pleasure of knowing how kids react when their regular schedule is disrupted?
We return to fifth period, shivering and wet and it takes twice the regular amount of time to get the kdsi refocused. Meanwhile, the 200 kids in first lunch return to the lunch room. A food fight ensues and the 3 adults that monitor the lunchroom are unable to regain control. Numerous kids receive detention and some are suspended. Lunch is extended which means that 5th period, already a longer period (over an hour), is extended for another 15 minutes. During passing time, the kids are outrageous, screaming and pushing each other around. Since then, 2 fights have broken out. A student also threw a desk across the hallway and as it smashed into the lockers, it broke the lockers and cracked in half.
Also, the head of my department is in the building today and all day, I have anticipated being observed last period.
This is, my friends, the life of a first year teacher...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
One last thing...
Lily's fever
Lily still has a fever, 101.2. Gave her some more tylenol. She ate around 4 but wouldn't eat anymore at 6:30 with us. Gave her a tepid bath, she was trembling. It makes you feel terrible that your little one is in pain and feeling ill and you can't do anything about it. I have a feeling that the antibiotic isn't working. We won't be able to tell until the culture results come back sometime tomorrow. But I know from my own bacterial infections that the antibiotics make you feel better right away.
Yup, that's what the emergency room told us Lily had.
I was leaving work later than usual and my husband calls to say that Lily is burning up with a 104 degree temp and she is screaming into the phone. I tell him to give her some tylenol and I would be right home. This isn't the first time that she's had a high temp, but usually she had other symptoms, cough, runny gunky nose... Nothing this time so I immediately thought a urinary tract infection. I called our daycare provider and she said that Lily was fine for her, ate, played, slept well and was in great spirits all day. Then she says, "Oh I told you that Christopher had strep throat on friday right?" Umm, no... Come to think of it, I saw Christopher there on Friday and on Monday and Tuesday. Great Lily was totally exposed. By the way, Christopher's mother is a nurse and his father is an EMT. But she was eating crackers when I got home and she was eating crackers. Not something a child with a sore throat would do if she had strep. So we head off to the emergency room. Her fever was coming down, by the time we got to Ft. Belvoir it was 101.8. 2 and a half hours later we are seen by the doctor. Let me mention at this time that my husband and I were freaking out about the game. I called my dad. He says rain delay, then he turns on NESN and sees that the game has been postponed to August 18th at 1pm. Phew.
Lily and I are called from the waiting room into the er and brought to a bed. We were there for about 45 minutes to an hour. I took my shoes off and laid down with Lily and at some point a nurse came over and covered us up with a sheet. The entire time we were there I couldn't help but over hear a conversation between an elderly chief warrant officer and the doctor assigned to his case. He had just had major back surgery for an apparent fall off of a 10 foot ladder. I say apparent b/c he does not remember actually falling, but he was able to tell the doctor in great detail that he fell from the ladder, crashed through a bush and bent a 6 foot chain link fence, and amazingly other details. Since his back surgery he was hooked up to a catheter. 2 weeks after this fall that he didn't remember, he had some pains in his back that weren't going away. He asks his wife to look at his back. She finds that his lower back is entirely black and blue. He had been walking around with a broken back for 2 weeks and didn't know it. He had been to the urologist 4 weeks before for a change of his bag and a "flush." He talked at great length about the pain in his stomach, scrotum, about how he took his privates (Oh he didn't use the word "privates," but the other p word repeatedly.) out to pee and then remembered that he had a catheter and his privates were of no use, how he has no feelings in his buttucks, yet his rectum is sticking out 2 inches, that he can grab it with a thumb and a finger and his rectum is very tender and very painful to the touch. Yeah, I didn't need to know that. So he now has 2 nurses and a doctor and finally he is able to release the contents of his bladder into his plastic bag and 400 cc's come out. He bp drops 30 points and he is now feeling quite ill and "woosy." I've just about had it at this point. Why did they bring us back there just to lay on a bed for an hour? We could have at least have been watching the Orioles play.
So finally the doctor examines Lily. She says, "What's going on here?" I said that Lily had a 104 fever, it came on suddenly, I gave her some tylenol and it was slowly going down. I told her about the other child in her daycare that had strep throat. "Well, I wouldn't be too concerned with high fevers. Babies temperatures will spike." Um what? 104 fever isn't a big deal? She checks her ears and picks out a huge clump of ear wax. Oops. They are clear, she checks her throat, then she decides that she'll need a urine specimem. Um what about a throat culture? Who's the doctor here? I need to go to med school.
20 minutes later a woman comes over with some motrin for her fever, that we haven't re-checked for almost 3 hours. We then wait another 20 minutes for a nurse to come over and attach a little baggy for urine collection. An hour later, after a short nap, tickle session and a short walk around the floor, we have a sample. An hour after that, we find that she tested positive. Positive for what I say? "The urinary tract infection." She told me that Lily still needed to go to her scheduled appointment today for a follow-up. After an aggravating 45 minutes of driving lost around Ft. Blevoir we arrive safely at home just under 1 am. What a night...
So this morning we head to Ft. Myer's for her scheduled appointment. We are told by the nurse that we are not supposed to bring Lily into the office when she has a fever. I knew that but I was told by the emergency room doctor to bring her in for a follow-up. Geez. We answer the routine questions, Does Lily stack blocks, does Lily know where her nose is, where her belly button is, does she have a vocab of 3-6 words, and on and on and then we are seen by another doctor who has trouble articulating in English. Lily completely looses it when the stethescope comes out. Dr. Kim looks at the results of the urine test from the emergency room and decides that since there are only a few white blood cells present, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a UTI. I tell her that it may be strep. "Did they check for that last night?" I said no. "Did you tell them about the boy in daycare?" I said yes. She does a 30 minute culture, negative. She also did a 3 day culture and they will call with the results and the emergency room will call if the antibiotic that she has been prescribed will be effective against the type of bacteria that grows on her urine culture. Phew.
As of an hour ago her, temp was 102. I gave her some more tylenol and I'm about to check to see if it has come down. She's in generally good spirits though and I got a day off from work.
I was leaving work later than usual and my husband calls to say that Lily is burning up with a 104 degree temp and she is screaming into the phone. I tell him to give her some tylenol and I would be right home. This isn't the first time that she's had a high temp, but usually she had other symptoms, cough, runny gunky nose... Nothing this time so I immediately thought a urinary tract infection. I called our daycare provider and she said that Lily was fine for her, ate, played, slept well and was in great spirits all day. Then she says, "Oh I told you that Christopher had strep throat on friday right?" Umm, no... Come to think of it, I saw Christopher there on Friday and on Monday and Tuesday. Great Lily was totally exposed. By the way, Christopher's mother is a nurse and his father is an EMT. But she was eating crackers when I got home and she was eating crackers. Not something a child with a sore throat would do if she had strep. So we head off to the emergency room. Her fever was coming down, by the time we got to Ft. Belvoir it was 101.8. 2 and a half hours later we are seen by the doctor. Let me mention at this time that my husband and I were freaking out about the game. I called my dad. He says rain delay, then he turns on NESN and sees that the game has been postponed to August 18th at 1pm. Phew.
Lily and I are called from the waiting room into the er and brought to a bed. We were there for about 45 minutes to an hour. I took my shoes off and laid down with Lily and at some point a nurse came over and covered us up with a sheet. The entire time we were there I couldn't help but over hear a conversation between an elderly chief warrant officer and the doctor assigned to his case. He had just had major back surgery for an apparent fall off of a 10 foot ladder. I say apparent b/c he does not remember actually falling, but he was able to tell the doctor in great detail that he fell from the ladder, crashed through a bush and bent a 6 foot chain link fence, and amazingly other details. Since his back surgery he was hooked up to a catheter. 2 weeks after this fall that he didn't remember, he had some pains in his back that weren't going away. He asks his wife to look at his back. She finds that his lower back is entirely black and blue. He had been walking around with a broken back for 2 weeks and didn't know it. He had been to the urologist 4 weeks before for a change of his bag and a "flush." He talked at great length about the pain in his stomach, scrotum, about how he took his privates (Oh he didn't use the word "privates," but the other p word repeatedly.) out to pee and then remembered that he had a catheter and his privates were of no use, how he has no feelings in his buttucks, yet his rectum is sticking out 2 inches, that he can grab it with a thumb and a finger and his rectum is very tender and very painful to the touch. Yeah, I didn't need to know that. So he now has 2 nurses and a doctor and finally he is able to release the contents of his bladder into his plastic bag and 400 cc's come out. He bp drops 30 points and he is now feeling quite ill and "woosy." I've just about had it at this point. Why did they bring us back there just to lay on a bed for an hour? We could have at least have been watching the Orioles play.
So finally the doctor examines Lily. She says, "What's going on here?" I said that Lily had a 104 fever, it came on suddenly, I gave her some tylenol and it was slowly going down. I told her about the other child in her daycare that had strep throat. "Well, I wouldn't be too concerned with high fevers. Babies temperatures will spike." Um what? 104 fever isn't a big deal? She checks her ears and picks out a huge clump of ear wax. Oops. They are clear, she checks her throat, then she decides that she'll need a urine specimem. Um what about a throat culture? Who's the doctor here? I need to go to med school.
20 minutes later a woman comes over with some motrin for her fever, that we haven't re-checked for almost 3 hours. We then wait another 20 minutes for a nurse to come over and attach a little baggy for urine collection. An hour later, after a short nap, tickle session and a short walk around the floor, we have a sample. An hour after that, we find that she tested positive. Positive for what I say? "The urinary tract infection." She told me that Lily still needed to go to her scheduled appointment today for a follow-up. After an aggravating 45 minutes of driving lost around Ft. Blevoir we arrive safely at home just under 1 am. What a night...
So this morning we head to Ft. Myer's for her scheduled appointment. We are told by the nurse that we are not supposed to bring Lily into the office when she has a fever. I knew that but I was told by the emergency room doctor to bring her in for a follow-up. Geez. We answer the routine questions, Does Lily stack blocks, does Lily know where her nose is, where her belly button is, does she have a vocab of 3-6 words, and on and on and then we are seen by another doctor who has trouble articulating in English. Lily completely looses it when the stethescope comes out. Dr. Kim looks at the results of the urine test from the emergency room and decides that since there are only a few white blood cells present, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a UTI. I tell her that it may be strep. "Did they check for that last night?" I said no. "Did you tell them about the boy in daycare?" I said yes. She does a 30 minute culture, negative. She also did a 3 day culture and they will call with the results and the emergency room will call if the antibiotic that she has been prescribed will be effective against the type of bacteria that grows on her urine culture. Phew.
As of an hour ago her, temp was 102. I gave her some more tylenol and I'm about to check to see if it has come down. She's in generally good spirits though and I got a day off from work.
Red Sox 7, Evil 3

What an amazing day Monday turned out to be.
The day was going pretty slow at work, thinking about the game that was coming up in the evening against theYankees, Wakefield pitching and the struggling Josh Bard and of course, never too far from my thoughts, the whole Johnny Damon drama. Johnny Damon was beginning to be one of my all time favorite baseball players. He would never surpass Kirby Puckett in my eyes, but finally there was a player on my favorite team that I always got the job done, played his heart out, crashing into walls, playing with a dislocated shoulder, and his heart was in the game, for his team and for his fans. It was a beautiful thing. And then the complete unthinkable occurred, something that he had quoted saying that he would never, ever, ever do, cross his heart and the Nation, he signed with the Yankees. Mr. Red Sox Baseball, sold his soul to Steinbrenner. That was a very sad day for me.
So then as I was starting to think about going to the gym, an email pops up from my friend Meg:
"Hey there! Wanted to let you know that Doug Mirabelli is back!! He's catching tonight for Wake. We traded Josh Bard to SD for him. AND the stupid Yankees tried to get him too! WE WIN!"
Tears welled up in my eyes. He is took a private plane to Logan and then got into a police vehicle and was escorted to Fenway at 100 mph, as he changed into his uniform. He didn't even bring a glove with him. There was one waiting for him in the locker room. When he was traded a few months back, he left his knuckleball catcher glove for Josh, and then now, Josh Bard left it for him. He is on the field in record time, ready for the opening pitch at 7:13pm. It doesn't get any better than that folks.
''I was like, 'Here we go,' " Mirabelli said. ''I don't think I've ever been that nervous in my career. Ever." I was just as nervous for him.
Johnny comes up to bat and his name is announced. I hear boos, then I see some standing and clapping, and he takes his hat off to the Fenway gang. The Nation wasn't completely thrilled but they did pay him alittle respect to Damon who played an intrical part of out World Series Championship and played his heart out every minute of every game. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth watching him smiling and goofing off in the Yankees dugout but baseball is business and what's done is done. And he went 0 for 4. Gotta love that.

What a game.
Monday, May 01, 2006
I just got this email from my friend Meg:
"Hey there! Wanted to let you know that Doug Mirabelli is back!! He's catching tonight for Wake. We traded Josh Bard to SD for him. AND the stupid Yankees tried to get him too! WE WIN! "
What??? Flying in from San Diego for tonight's game to catch for Wakie! Unbelieveable!
Big game tonight. Not big, huge!
Red Sox
1. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
2. Mark Loretta, 2B
3. David Ortiz, DH
4. Manny Ramirez, LF
5. Trot Nixon, RF
6. Mike Lowell, 3B
7. Wily Mo Pena, CF
8. Doug Mirabelli, C
9. Alex Cora, SS
P -- Tim Wakefield
1. Johnny Damon, CF
2. Derek Jeter, SS
3. Jason Giambi, DH
4. Alex Rodriguez, 3B
5. Hideki Matsui, LF
6. Jorge Posada, C
7. Miguel Cairo, 1B
8. Bubba Crosby, RF
P -- Chien-Ming Wang
Johnny Damon will also be there tonight. I have more thoughts on him later. But since I am at work, I need to focus on that first, well I will try. I've called my dad and I've talked to my sister. One more hour to go. My heart is pounding. I know it's ridiculus.
Here's are email exchange:
I forwarded the breaking news to my dad.
Breaking Sports Alert: Sox re-acquire Mirabelli Johnny Damon won't be the only player making his return to Fenway tonight. According to a major league source, the Red Sox have re-acquired Doug Mirabelli from the Padres in exchange for catcher Josh Bard, minor-league pitcher Cla Meredith, and cash (in the six-figure range). The Yankees were also trying to acquire Mirabelli."
I write: I'm almost crying I'm so excited. Dad I called your cell and left a message. You must be out for a walk. This is amazing news.
My dad replies with:
I think the fans should give Damon his due...and give him a courteous applause not an ovation but an applause the first time he comes to some class, which Red Sox fans sometimes don't do...anyway when he comes up the next time...I would boo the crap out of him...traitor...Benedict Arnold! hahaha
I say:
I won't clap but I won't boo his first at bat. He's still a Judas in my eyes. Lol No, baseball is business. No way to get around it.
Dad with his infinite wisdom quips:
Sad but true...kind of takes away from the game and the ntertainment of it...players need to be committed to one team for a longer period of time...I don't know how you accomplish that...but I know revenue sharing as they do in the NFL may help to keep players around...but re: Damon...he is no Tony Conigliaro, or Reggie Smith or Rico Petrocelli or the Yaz or Fisk or the Boomer (George Scott not the Yankee reject) those were Red Sox...but he had a good career with the Sox...helped them win a World Series and in 10 or 15 years he will be back in Boston when they honor that clap when he leads off in the first and boo him the next time around...thats baseball too!
"Hey there! Wanted to let you know that Doug Mirabelli is back!! He's catching tonight for Wake. We traded Josh Bard to SD for him. AND the stupid Yankees tried to get him too! WE WIN! "
What??? Flying in from San Diego for tonight's game to catch for Wakie! Unbelieveable!
Big game tonight. Not big, huge!
Red Sox
1. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
2. Mark Loretta, 2B
3. David Ortiz, DH
4. Manny Ramirez, LF
5. Trot Nixon, RF
6. Mike Lowell, 3B
7. Wily Mo Pena, CF
8. Doug Mirabelli, C
9. Alex Cora, SS
P -- Tim Wakefield
1. Johnny Damon, CF
2. Derek Jeter, SS
3. Jason Giambi, DH
4. Alex Rodriguez, 3B
5. Hideki Matsui, LF
6. Jorge Posada, C
7. Miguel Cairo, 1B
8. Bubba Crosby, RF
P -- Chien-Ming Wang
Johnny Damon will also be there tonight. I have more thoughts on him later. But since I am at work, I need to focus on that first, well I will try. I've called my dad and I've talked to my sister. One more hour to go. My heart is pounding. I know it's ridiculus.
Here's are email exchange:
I forwarded the breaking news to my dad.
Breaking Sports Alert: Sox re-acquire Mirabelli Johnny Damon won't be the only player making his return to Fenway tonight. According to a major league source, the Red Sox have re-acquired Doug Mirabelli from the Padres in exchange for catcher Josh Bard, minor-league pitcher Cla Meredith, and cash (in the six-figure range). The Yankees were also trying to acquire Mirabelli."
I write: I'm almost crying I'm so excited. Dad I called your cell and left a message. You must be out for a walk. This is amazing news.
My dad replies with:
I think the fans should give Damon his due...and give him a courteous applause not an ovation but an applause the first time he comes to some class, which Red Sox fans sometimes don't do...anyway when he comes up the next time...I would boo the crap out of him...traitor...Benedict Arnold! hahaha
I say:
I won't clap but I won't boo his first at bat. He's still a Judas in my eyes. Lol No, baseball is business. No way to get around it.
Dad with his infinite wisdom quips:
Sad but true...kind of takes away from the game and the ntertainment of it...players need to be committed to one team for a longer period of time...I don't know how you accomplish that...but I know revenue sharing as they do in the NFL may help to keep players around...but re: Damon...he is no Tony Conigliaro, or Reggie Smith or Rico Petrocelli or the Yaz or Fisk or the Boomer (George Scott not the Yankee reject) those were Red Sox...but he had a good career with the Sox...helped them win a World Series and in 10 or 15 years he will be back in Boston when they honor that clap when he leads off in the first and boo him the next time around...thats baseball too!
Another Tough Weekend
And it's going to be a rough Monday and Tuesday as well after 9 game, 3 city tour as we face off with the Yanks and the dramatic Damon reunion at the Pahk. I'll be booing him from the couch or the computer seat. I haven't figured out if we will get the game in VA.
With Friday night's loss behind us we move on to Saturday night with a fire in our bellies. DiNardo pitching, a loss 5-2 againist the Devil Rays. 4 nothing in the 6th, Youk hit a 2 run double of a shot, started the rally in the 9th after 3 walks Walker. What an inning. Loved it. And then Papelbon came in and threw 3 k's. Beautiful.
Then came Sunday. Schilling with a loss. He mortal this year. And I learned this morning that he is the 4th hated baseball player. Not sure if it is the fans or the players themselves that voted but I as a fan love him. He talks a lot sure, but he's honest, loves his family so much that he is retiring in 2 years and loves the game so much that he is going to get the Sox to the World Series again. He's a team player and he's gives every outing the most that he can and it's amazing to watch in person. He is trying to blame the loss on himself and everyone knows that you can't entirely blame the starting pitching for your own team's lack of hitting. Ludacris. 2 days in a row rallies in the 9th, Pena and Lowell back to back homeruns, valient effort, but one run short of a tie, 2 runs short of a win. Tough 5-4 loss.
So Wakie is on the mound for us tonight up against Wang. Let's blow them out of the Pahk boys. Those pinestripes are going to be in our house!!!
With Friday night's loss behind us we move on to Saturday night with a fire in our bellies. DiNardo pitching, a loss 5-2 againist the Devil Rays. 4 nothing in the 6th, Youk hit a 2 run double of a shot, started the rally in the 9th after 3 walks Walker. What an inning. Loved it. And then Papelbon came in and threw 3 k's. Beautiful.
Then came Sunday. Schilling with a loss. He mortal this year. And I learned this morning that he is the 4th hated baseball player. Not sure if it is the fans or the players themselves that voted but I as a fan love him. He talks a lot sure, but he's honest, loves his family so much that he is retiring in 2 years and loves the game so much that he is going to get the Sox to the World Series again. He's a team player and he's gives every outing the most that he can and it's amazing to watch in person. He is trying to blame the loss on himself and everyone knows that you can't entirely blame the starting pitching for your own team's lack of hitting. Ludacris. 2 days in a row rallies in the 9th, Pena and Lowell back to back homeruns, valient effort, but one run short of a tie, 2 runs short of a win. Tough 5-4 loss.
So Wakie is on the mound for us tonight up against Wang. Let's blow them out of the Pahk boys. Those pinestripes are going to be in our house!!!
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